The best one, of course, is at our local library - Pikes Peak Library District. Connor is volunteering, starting Wednesday, to help out at the bookmobile. The other kids are really looking forward to collecting their prizes from their big brother. It looks like William can participate in both the kids and teens program this year. Prizes include free meals, free books, and a t-shirt for the teens. They also do prize drawings -- Thomas won a spider thing last summer, and has high hopes of winning something this year too. Our program runs June 1-July 31, so we haven't actually started yet... but soon!
Barnes & Noble does a summer reading program too... this year, the free book choices are listed online. This program runs through September 7, so the kids are counting their reading right now, and will start counting things again after they finish the PPLD program. This is good for 1st-6th graders.

The Old Schoolhouse is also doing a summer reading program. I'm playing with stuff here, to see if I can't get an image put in here (I had just gotten things kind of figured out on my old blog!!!) They do a variety of contests, and the kids are having fun with that. One thing happening right now is for the kids to post their planned summer reading lists... so you will be seeing a blog post or two on here from my kids :)
If you know of other summer reading programs, I'd love to hear about them!
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