Homeschool Adventure Co. is a company I hadn't heard of, but the description of had me intrigued. From their website:
Philosophy Adventure™ is a program designed to help students 6th-12th grade cultivate and defend a biblical worldview by teaching them how to write skillfully, think critically, and speak articulately as they explore the history of philosophy.Okay, that all sounds good to me! And I have three students in grades 6-12 (actually, they are in grades 7-11 now, how did THAT happen?) so I certainly have some test subjects.
The complete set consists of three parts: a Reader, which is the basic text for the program; a Student text, which contains notebook pages for each philosopher, mapping assignments, writing assignments, and more; and a teacher's resource section, which contains some teaching help, answer keys, timelines and flashcards.
I've had the Reader for a week or so, and have had a chance to start reading through that. Fabulous information, and clearly Stacy Farrell has spent considerable time putting together fascinating information in an easy-to-digest format. From glancing through the Student Workbook and the Teacher's Resources, I'm even more excited to start using this. The mapping assignments are straightforward enough that even I can see using them, and the timelines are very appealing.
There are a few ideas for scheduling the material. Basically, there are eight different philosophers to study, with a unit devoted to each. You could do a unit per week (there is a sample schedule available for that) and finish in about two months. You could spread a unit out over a month to make this a year-long course. What we are planning, though, is to take the middle ground by completing each unit in two weeks. I think that workload is going to be about perfect.
By the time I'm due to write this review in August, I'm hoping we'll be through three or four of the units (having to take some time off when kids are off at camp!) so I should be able to give a pretty decent review at that point.
The prices are reasonable too. A complete physical set is available for $89.95. What I have (and am giving away) is a complete download version, which is available for $39.95. There are other options that include some physical and some digital products at price points in between.
Now, a giveaway! This will stay open for a week, and it is for a digital version of the Philosophy Adventure -- Pre-Socratics program.
a Rafflecopter giveaway