Saturday, May 15, 2010

Scouting Saturday: New ranks!

So, the last couple of weeks have been a little crazy in our house.  Connor was trying to actually record community service hours and finish those last pesky requirements for a couple of merit badges.  William was trying to finish off a couple of things too.  And they both did it.

William -- he got the chance to tell about poisonous plants in our area (and I learned that Poison Ivy exists in every state east of the Rockies... except North Dakota.  I had no idea that the cold kept plant riff-raff out too!)  We made a trip to the post office to lower, raise, lower and fold their flag.  I think Sam was quite pleased to not have to go out in the wind to do it!

And on Monday night, he had his Scoutmaster conference, and his Board of Review, and he is now a Tenderfoot Scout.  I heard that he promised to work on being clean.  And I also heard that he knocked one out of the park with his answer about what "on my honor" means.

Connor -- he has been seriously procrastinating on interviewing someone so he could "introduce" them (his only remaining requirement for Communications).  And he had a couple experiments to do for Environmental Science.  He finished both merit badges last week, and finally actually recorded his community service time.

That meant that on Monday night, he also had a Scoutmaster conference, and a Board of Review.  And he is now a Life Scout.  I heard that he also promised to work harder on being clean (the Scoutmaster asked me if I had lectured them on that topic on our drive to the meeting.  Ummm, well, yeah, guilty as charged!)

So -- William is already well on his way to earning Second Class.  And Connor's next step is Eagle...
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Ina's 5 and our Native Homeschool Blog said...

Congrats to you and your children!

Lauren said...

I'll be asking for your help come next spring when Jac jumps to Boy Scouts . . . I have no clue!

Debra said...

thanks :)

and Lauren, it really isn't that bad. But I'll be happy to answer any questions I can!

Michelle Smith said...


Congratulations! Your boys have worked so hard to earn those ranks, and I know they are doing great for their ages. I am hoping that my own son earns his Tenderfoot rank tonight at his Board of Review. If he does, he will beat out some boys who crossed over a year ago! (My own son crossed over in February.)