Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Looking for Science Resources this year?

This is a totally selfish post.  Totally selfish.

I want to purchase Digital Frog 2.5 through Homeschool Buyers Co-op.  Connor is coming up on the frog dissection unit in Apologia Biology, and I really, really want him to be able to utilize all the amazing features of this virtual dissection product.

But as of right now, there are only 8 people who have put in to purchase the program, which means it is at its highest price point.  And I cannot spend that right now.

If eighteen more people sign on, the price for this $85 program drops to $42.50.  That I think I can pay.  I'd rather another couple dozen beyond that join in, driving the price to $34.

August 22.  That's Sunday.  Gotta do it by August 22. 

There are other products in this group purchase too.  Their Virtual Field Trips look amazing.  You can get one, or a set of all three.  Deserts.  Rainforests.  Wetlands.  They look incredibly cool.

Science Matrix.  We actually own this one, and Connor did a lot of playing with it while studying cells a month or so ago.  This could drop as low as $16.

And Digital Frog, of course.  You can look at much more detailed information about it here.  I love the idea of being able to study the ecosystems alongside the anatomy of the dissection.  And I don't have to have a dead frog in my house.

Joining the co-op is free.  You can go through the link on the left sidebar of my blog if you want to give me some minimal referral credit.

Check it out, and thanks for putting up with my selfish post!


T in Ohio said...

Sorry. :( Chris is dissecting a frog tomorrow at a friend's house. I am so glad that I don't have to.

Lori Watson said...

I want to buy this too and have been hoping the price drops as well. I have an alarm set on my iTouch for Friday, reminding me to make the final call on ordering it.

Debra said...

How great that you have someone Chris can do this with!!

Lori -- yeah, I've determined I need to make a decision on Saturday night. It has to drop though, or I know I can't. I need to order other specimens anyway, I should just get a frog too. But I played with the software once upon a time, and I think it is way too awesome to really, really get all that anatomy stuff. I'm hoping there are a bunch like us, holding out to see if the price drops.

homeschool101 said...

Sweetie, You dont have to buy one from them. Go to this link I have noted below and you can get one cheaper. A friend of mine told me about this site and I was so excited desecting time made easier and a cost I can afford.

I have other resources on one of my Homeschool Links only blog. You can check them out here. Have a great evening, I hope this is helpful to you. Blessings.

Debra said...

Homeschool101 -- that is where I am planning to purchase my other specimans (earthworm, perch, ummm, something else) and will definitely add the frog if the Digital Frog price doesn't drop.

Glad to hear good things about them!! Thanks!!!