Thursday, March 18, 2010

What in the world am I doing?

Some of you know that I've been fighting sick kids here, and that I spent a chunk of yesterday sleeping because I was feeling yucky.  So maybe this sudden attack of self-doubt is illness-induced.

But I am solidly in the midst of a self-confidence crisis.  What am I doing?  Am I failing my kids?  Wouldn't they all be better off somewhere, anywhere, else?

I think maybe it is partially because I have so many review products here right now too (check out the "reviews to watch for" sidebar!) but I think maybe I need to do a back to the basics week next week, just to reassure myself that my kids are really okay.

Is it just spring fever?  I don't know...


Michelle said...

We've been struggling a bit here lately, too. Maybe it is just spring fever--or the stress of too many looming reviews. If you figure it out, let me know! ;)

Debra said...

I hate to say it... but it is nice to know this is impacting someone else too :) Spring fever, too many reviews -- either one makes sense, doesn't it?