Sunday, January 22, 2012

Review and Giveaway: Wall Timelines from Grapevine Studies

A couple of years ago, I reviewed the Old Testament Overview from Grapevine Studies, and we loved it.  One thing I said in that review... talking about the introductory timeline that you do before you get into the meat of the study...
The study starts with an overview of the entire timeline of the Old Testament. That was a bit overwhelming to think about... go through a few thousand years of Biblical history in three days. Yikes! But when we actually started to do it, well, it was actually a lot of fun. I lost the five year old though, he just couldn't keep up past the stories he knows so well already. I'm not going to talk about the overview much more, though, because it isn't exactly typical of the bulk of the study.
Well, now Grapevine Studies has a product that is very much like that overview part... their Wall Timelines.  And I have totally fallen in love with this product...

Since we have used the Old Testament Overview, I'm going to talk about the Old Testament Wall Timeline, just as a way to compare the two products a bit, so you can figure out if one would be the right thing for you.

The intro timeline in the Overview is meant to whet your kids' appetites and give them a feel for what they'll be studying in depth over the next months.  As such, it is pretty much a whirlwind tour of the Old Testament before you get into the actual study.  The study part has you going into much more detail and using resources like a Bible dictionary and maps.

The Wall Timeline is very cool... you are ending up with basically the "overview" timeline from the big study... but you are going at a more reasonable pace that allows for a bit of extra study.  And the timeline is pretty... so it is, in fact, suitable for putting up on a wall.

What I really love is how this would work so well with other Bible study materials... you could do a page a day, four days a week of the Old Testament, and finish the overview in three weeks... and then have it displayed on the wall (like a wallpaper border) while you use whatever to study the O.T. during the remainder of the year.  As you go, you'd have an easy reference to put things into a time perspective.  Or the same would go for the New Testament (except if you do five days a week, it would only take two weeks).

Here's a screen shot from the Teacher book (not a full page-- the text includes the full "scroll"):

And the price is fabulous... right now, you can get the ebook set (teacher and student) for $8.20, or $16.40 to do the books for both Old and New Testaments.  The physical copies are only slightly more.   I love the ebook option, as I purchase it once and can print it for all my children.  These sale prices are good through the end of January... after that, the price for the ebook set is closer to $10.

These sets are also a great way to get a feel for how a Grapevine Study works, without spending much.  Just keep in mind that the actual Bible study programs also include memory work, mapping, some research using materials like a concordance, and review.

Right now, though, with the code JANFS, you can get free shipping through Jan. 31. With that, I'd be really tempted to purchase the hardcopy of the teacher books and get the ebooks for the student ones.

Would you like to win a set (your choice of which testament, and your choice of physical or electronic books)?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:  I receivee these ebooks, and the giveaway items, in exchange for my review of the product.  All opinions are my own, and receiving complimentary products does not factor in to my opinions.  For more about my take on reviews, visit my blog post here.


oneblessedmamma said...

I LOVE Grapevine Studies. This looks great, and I'd love to own it!

Marie said...

These look amazing!! Would love to win because I love timelines!!

Cristi said...

I'd love to win because Bible study is sadly one of the most neglected subjects in our homeschool days.

Mozi Esme said...

I'd love to win! My preference would be New Testament, physical copy...

janemaritz at yahoo dot com

the Mcclanahan 7 said...

I would love to win. I think the timeline could be used with any bible study.

Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

I've wanted to start using a timeline in our studies. This looks great!

Savor The Days said...

I would love to use this timeline in teaching the Bible to my son but I think it would help me tremendously as well!

Unknown said...

This sounds like a great study and timeline! Id like to win because we do not have a timeline, I think it would help with understanding for the kids, and probably me too LOL

PK @ Knee Deep In Grace said...

This looks like a great study to begin a timeline with my children!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway.



PK @ Knee Deep In Grace said...

Pleased to already follow you via GFC.



Anonymous said...

I've been using Grapevine Studies for a year and a half in my 4th grade Sunday School. The kids love it! I checked out the Cooper and Me site and saw that Miss Reese looks just like our little Norwich Terrier, Honey (11 years old!). Blessings, Joyce

Stacey said...

I have heard such wonderful thingsabout these studies! Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

Katy said...

I have never heard of this before...but would love the chance to use it for homeschooling with my children! :)

Katy A.

Sunnie said...

I think it would be great for my friend who homeschools her boys

Wendy Rozema said...

I would love to win b/c this looks good!

Debbi said...

I homeschool my children, and we are not currently working on a specific Bible curriculum. I want them to learn the GOD of the Bible, not just about the Bible. This seems like the perfect tool to help with that!
Thanks for the chance.

Jennifer said...

This looks amazing and would be great for children I know!

Unknown said...

i want to win because i love learning! i'd like new test physical copy

Karen said...

I'd like to try this for family devotions.

Candie L said...

I want to win because I do not know as much as i should. Thank you


Noelle said...

We homeschool and I would love to use this as part of our curriculum.

Unknown said...

These sound beautiful and cool and I would love to have something like this up on our wall!

Vanessa said...

I like studying and Bible history.

The Dawson Family said...

I need the help trying to teach my 2 year old son!!!

jadavis said...

I think the history of the Bible is very interesting!

LilMiss Mom said...

We are currently reading through the bible chronologically and this would be a wonderful complement to our daily bible study.

crazydaisies123 at yahoo (dot) com