Monday, November 23, 2009

Lesson Plans for the Week

I haven't made a habit of doing this, but am thinking maybe I should start.

We are allegedly on vacation, as our schoolyear officially runs from January to October.  This year has been a bit strange, though, so we are forced to do some "summer school" and of course, my Review Crew responsibilities mean we need to continue some of those things too.  Plus, this week, Dale is home.  However, there are some things that do have to happen.

Group school:
Illuminations: finish Week 6: that means one Mystery of History lesson, a couple chapters of Exodus, half of Tirzah, a couple stories from While Standing on One Foot, start Cat of Bubastes, one lesson of Winston Grammar, and some geography.
Mathletics: everyone has a subscription for the crew through mid-December.  Everyone needs to get on and do at least something every day.
Kinderbach: the big guys are actually doing the teaching on this one.
Maestro Classics: another Review Crew item - I want them to listen to the CD again at some point this week.
Some science stuff too.  But they don't think of that as school either.

Illuminations: finish Week 6:  that means finish the book Genesis: Finding Our Roots.
Sonlight 6: continue reading the history material at a slower pace.  I think this week it's just a chapter of Story of the World.
Latin 100: class on Tuesday, whatever homework is assigned.  Work on his commercial about visiting ancient Rome.
Financial Accounting: finish Lesson 3 so I can blog about this for the Crew
CyberEd Science - Physical Science: our subscription ends on the 7th, so he has to continue if he wants to finish it.
Scouts - he is planning to get a speech about tornadoes prepared, plus some other misc. merit badge stuff.  And we need to go visit a criminal court trial.
All About Spelling: that has to happen for a review next week
Explore test: finish up, also for a review
Tektoma Gamemaker Tutorials - this one requires twisting his arm. (NOT!)

Illuminations: finish Week 6: that means a couple days of copywork.
All About Spelling.
Scouts - visit a criminal court trial also.  Work on Second Class first aid skills.
He'll continue to read to me.

Illuminations copywork also.
All About Spelling
He'll continue to read to me.

Richard & Trina:
Illuminations: Finish Week 6: some Winnie the Pooh reading, and The Empty Pot
All About Spelling for Richard

It looks like a lot all written out.  But most of the stuff is not going to take long, or I really don't have a choice.  Connor has it the worst.  I'll have to see if there is something I can do to ease that up a bit, but aside from not letting him program computer games, I'm not sure what else I can drop.

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