Uff dah! Trying to do read-alouds while we're doing our "spring break" just doesn't happen! Okay, well, some did...

We've been
reading Madeleine Takes Command by Ethel Brill but still aren't very far.
The greatest part of this title is that my kids had ancestors living
vaguely around here at this time, and this is based on a true story. It makes the whole thing come far
more alive for them. I am hoping to get this one finished over the weekend

We finished
reading Dragons: Legends & Lore of Dinosaurs. Reviewed it even. Gorgeous illustrations. Absolutely fascinating.

We have read a chunk of
Pirates of Pompeii by Caroline Lawrence. The kids are loving this. Mysteries are always a big hit here!
I read to just
Trina, a couple different picture books.

also been reading The Tarantula Scientist. <shudder> Actually, it
is pretty interesting. I'd prefer fewer photos, but the kids love it. I can only take a bit at at time <grin> so we aren't making a lot of progress. I think a couple of my older guys have snuck off and read it through. I ought to just make them read it aloud to the younger ones. Just so long as they don't decide to take the tarantula out to read it aloud to him.

William has
been reading Attack at the Arena out loud to me. Does that count? I
guess, I make the rules for what I want to accomplish, so why not?

Connor and I went through about 2/3 of The Ravenmaster's Secret. We are loving it. The main character is an 11-year-old boy, and I've discovered that Connor is starting to have an issue with reading about younger kids when it is just us. He got sucked in pretty quickly though. I'm praying he doesn't start taking up an attitude with younger characters when we are doing group read-alouds too.

Another review product, Richard and Trina started listening to Andi's Pony Trouble. Trina absolutely adores this book. Richard enjoys it, too. But Trina relates to being the baby sister and insisting she isn't a baby.

And finally, we picked The Boxcar Children back up and read a couple of chapters. This was intended for Richard and Trina, but Thomas is insisting on listening in too. I'm sure he doesn't remember us reading this before, as he must have been about three last time. This is another one I want to finish up this weekend.
How about you? Do you read more one book at a time, or are you like my family, reading from multiple books all at once? Well, not literally "at once" of course.
Occasionally I have my 15 year old or 12 year old read a chapter or so to give me a break--or for me to attend to a chore which I really ought to do right then. I count it, so I don't see why you having your son read aloud to you shouldn't count, too! ;)
We just finished our family read aloud which was Robert Louis Stevenson's "Prince Otto". We all loved it!
Then during the day I was reading Mara Pratt's American History Stories, volume 2. We finished this us earlier this week. Right after that we started "The Minuteboys of Lexington" by Edward Stratemeyer. Both great reads!!
~Mrs. R
I will join this next week. I will. I will! We've been reading a bunch of fairy tales from various books in the Yesterday's Classics set. They are sooo good!
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