Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Read Aloud Challenge: the Merit Badge Book Edition

Week Two of my Reading Aloud link-up!  It wasn't a good week here.  Between certain kids just not feeling great, and just life in general, well... not a lot of reading aloud happened.

So what have we been reading aloud this past week? Certainly not what I planned last Tuesday!

Lantern Bearers by Rosemary Sutcliff.  I am listening to this along with my "middle group" (William -8th grade, and Thomas -6th grade).  This takes place in England right after Rome completely leaves, so we are reading about the Saxons and Vortigern, and oh, just all kinds of great stuff.  This we did work on some.  Didn't finish it, but we are getting close. 

King Arthur by Don Nardo.  This is also with my middle group.  This is a bit textbook-y, but lots of fascinating information.  We didn't read everything, but we did get through what we plan to for history.

New this week -- well, let's just call this the Merit Badge Book edition.  Kids went to a merit badge clinic on Saturday, and while William and Thomas are finally capable of reading the merit badge books on their own, it's a slow process.

Citizenship in the World
-- I read the entire huge merit badge book to William.  Fascinating in light of things like the Libyan ambassador controversy in the news.  But wow, this is one of the thickest merit badge books and it is CRAMMED with information.  William had it down though, and he was answering questions and sounding pretty informed in the merit badge session, from what I hear.

Geocaching -- this I read parts of to both William and Thomas.  I'll confess, we did not go through the entire book.

Cycling -- William is working on this badge this coming Saturday, so we started reading through it.  Not nearly as academic, so it is much easier reading. 

That is pretty much it.  Nothing to Connor.  Nor Richard.  Nor Trina.

Goals for next week:  Finishing up all of the above books.  Get back to actually reading aloud to my youngest two.  I'll worry about something else with Connor later.  (Yeah, that is a copy/paste from last week.)

Rules for this linkup - if you are blogging about things you are reading aloud to your children, or just blogging about reading aloud in general, feel free to link up.  Audiobooks count too.  I would very much appreciate if you link back to this post.  I'll leave the linky open through Monday at midnight.

How about you?


Kate said...

Can't link up, but I wanted to say how much I love Lantern Bearers. Sutcliff is one of my favorite authors for that age range and she paints a marvelous picture of the time. I hope you enjoy it!


Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you started the link-up again! We received these audio books as a review and are all enjoying them.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of Sutcliff so I'm going to be checking it out. Thank you :D

Brittney said...

Thank you for this link-up! I need motivation to start reading aloud more and sharing it.

Sharon said...

Thanks for hosting this link up, Debra.

Unknown said...

This has been a lot of fun!

Unknown said...

This has been fun!