Sunday, October 14, 2012

Review: IndoctriNation

I'm doing something a bit new.  I'm part of Moms of Master Books.  Mostly, because I already review a whole lot of stuff for Master Books, and I love their materials.

And maybe I just like having a cool new badge.

For October, the Moms of Master Books are reviewing IndoctriNation -- both the movie and the book.  As a reviewer, I received access to an online version of the movie, and a copy of the Kindle version of the book. I have not had time to read the book this week, but I did view the movie.

The documentary involves Colin Gunn, a homeschooling dad who hails from Scotland, loading his family up on a schoolbus and going around the country to talk to all kinds of people.  Some are well-known in homeschooling circles, like John Taylor Gatto, Ken Ham, and Voddie Baucham.  As a homeschooler for the past dozen years, they really didn't say anything I haven't heard before.

For me, it was the stories told by regular people that hit me.  A very popular elementary school teacher.  A recent graduate of a highly rated public school.  Another teacher.  A regular working-man type of dad.  A school principal.  People who DO know what is going on in the schools. 

Let's throw in what the publisher says about this movie:
Nearly 90 percent of Christian children attend a public school. Join filmmaker Colin Gunn, a homeschool father of seven, on the field trip of a lifetime. Driving an old school bus, Colin and family travel across America exploring the origins and social impact of public school education to discover:
  • Are children morally and physically safe?
  • Are public schools religiously neutral?
  • Should Christians try to be “salt and light” in secular schools?
Winner of the 2012 Best Documentary Award at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival, this extraordinary film features interviews from whistleblower teachers, administrators, students, parents, and others in a shocking documentary revealing the reality behind the classroom doors.

The main message of the documentary is basically that as Christians, we have to get our kids out of the public school system.  That's a message that makes me squirm.  I mean, we have made the decision to homeschool, but I struggle enough with my family, you know?  I'm not sure that I'm capable of making any kind of recommendation about schooling choices to anyone else.

But one thing I do feel comfortable saying is: "You have to be aware."  I think this documentary can really, really make you think.  To think long and hard about what the real situation is for our kids in the schools.

I know, the tendency is to believe that these things are not happening here.  People just northwest of me, up in Denver, believed that.  It's been over a decade since Columbine, but the last few months have been challenging.  The movie theater shooting in Aurora this summer.  The abduction of a sweet 10 year old girl just this past week.

For me, these drive home the point that horrible things are happening in my community.

The DVD runs just 102 minutes, and honestly I think every Christian parent should see it.

Watch this book trailer:

The book includes a whole lot of research that just couldn't be fit into the documentary.  At 348 pages, it is not a light or easy read. The Kindle edition is available for under $5 though, and with that, you could go through a chapter here, and a chapter there... take it slow, and try to digest what you are reading.

This isn't an easy book to read, but it is important.  Denying what is going on around us is not going to make it go away, and it won't make it so it doesn't impact our communities.  We cannot bury our heads in the sand, nor can we cover our ears singing "La la la, I'm not listening..." Our kids are more important than that.

You can see what other Moms of Master Books thought about both the book and the DVD. And on Thursday, there will be A Book and a Bite Facebook Party!  There are always fun things being given away (copies of this book and DVD, and more!), and recipes shared.   It should be fun.

Disclaimer:   I received this materials for free from New Leaf Publishing Group as part of the Moms of Master Books program.  No other compensation was received.  The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.   


Haelie said...

Love your post, Debra! Great to have you on the team!

Anonymous said...

very good!

Pebblekeeper ~ Angie said...

RSVP! Love it!

Esther Hawkins said...

Ok, I'm really intrigued now. Thanks for your review- I will definitely be watching / reading this material. We just started homeschooling and the more I hear (from both sides) the more I'm convinced of our decision. RSVPed btw :)

Jennifer said...

I agree; there are so many wonderful books from Masterbooks. Welcome to the team!

Julie said...

RSVP'er! I can't wait to wade through this book.