Saturday, November 9, 2013

Bountiful Baskets: November 9

I loved this week's basket!

So between my two baskets, I got:
  • 3 asparagus bunches
  • 3 8 oz boxes mushrooms
  • 4 zucchini
  • 2 heads romaine lettuce
  • 4 bunches spinach
  • 18 roma tomatoes
  • 22 bananas
  • 24 samastu tangerines
  • 2 personal size watermelon
Yum, yum, yum.

By the way, I priced out last week's basket, based on sale prices for sort-of similar stuff (ruby red grapefruit instead of pomelo, regular pears instead of red ones, best price for any kind of apple vs. Fuji) and if I had shopped at 4 different stores and substituted similar things, it would have cost me $26.04 for the same amount of produce as I got in my one $15 basket from Bountiful Baskets.  But that doesn't count the time and gas money to drive around to Sprouts, Albertson's, King Soopers and Safeway.  And that is definitely for some lesser quality stuff (like the pears).

What I'll do with stuff?
  • Greek eggs -- spinach, mushrooms, roma tomatoes, onion, and feta cheese.  I might eat that for breakfast every day this week.  Yummmm.
  • bananas, tangerines, watermelon will all just be eaten.
  • Lettuce goes into salads.  Maybe I need to eat a salad every day too.
  • Asparagus -- we'll do that for dinner a couple of times.
  • Zucchini -- I'm tempted to shred it for zucchini bread, but maybe I'll do something lasagna-ish, along with mushrooms and roma tomatoes.
  • Though I might need to do some banana bread with the bananas.  There are a bunch of them.

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