Sunday, June 23, 2013

Summer of Service A.C.T.S.: Imagine!

A month ago, I posted my first Summer of Service A.C.T.S. blog post, where I talked about the Adventures in Odyssey initiative to Discover the joys of serving others this summer.  This post is about imagination, and imagining ways of serving.

Your kids have a chance to put together a video about how they are serving, for a chance to go serve orphans in Costa Rica.  That is a trip we're having fun imagining ourselves on!

Children are spending more and more time in front of TVs, iPads, computers, and video games. That doesn’t leave much room for kids to dream up their own visual images—like the ones that fill their minds when they hear a great story! Rather than passively receiving images, kids actively engage in making images themselves when they hear a good story. Their imaginations are enriched and stimulated, and the material becomes more personal and memorable.
Adventures in Odyssey is all about great stories—and the power of the imagination. The beloved audio dramas are heard on over 700 radio stations, and AIO has recently expanded to books and devotionals—including The Imagination Station series, a fast-growing line of early chapter readers. You can check them out by downloading a FREE e-book of Imagination Station #1: Voyage with the Vikings!
This summer, Adventures in Odyssey encourages kids to write their OWN stories, as they join in ACTS: A Call to Serve! AIO is helping children use their imaginations to serve their family, community, and world this summer—maybe by sending a care package to a missionary or baking cookies for the local fire department. Check out  for details and a chance to win fabulous prizes, including a mission trip with a parent to Costa Rica!
More important than prizes are the stories your child will tell about the creative ways they served others, and how they grew as a result. And what they come up with really might change the world!
I know in my family, service is something we really try to incorporate into our everyday lives.  The reason I didn't get this post up earlier like I was supposed to is that we were busy serving in our church and their VBS program.  Okay, that doesn't take a lot of imagination... most churches do have VBS, and most are begging for volunteers.  But my older three (the younger two were attending the program!) spent some time thinking about their gifts and how they could serve.

That meant one served as a Crew Leader -- taking a group of roughly five (mostly girls) around from station to station and being a 'big brother' type, helping them to discover the messages that were a part of the VBS program.

Another sat in back with the computers, putting photos into slideshows for each day's closing program, running the music, running the videos, and just generally being the 'tech guy.'

The third was an assistant in the Tournament Games -- so he ran around with the kids, let them throw things at him, took equipment out, brought equipment back, and whatever else needed doing.

How is your family planning to serve this summer?  Think about it...  and you can download your own Summer of Service kit too.

Fourteen-year-old Matthew, a dedicated Adventures in Odyssey fan and natural tech whiz, was inspired by a trip to the Apple store to create a smartphone app for his church. Since then, he has created 21 apps for different ministries, including his local pregnancy resource center, Joni and Friends (an international ministry for people with disabilities), and even an “Adventures in Odyssey Fan News” app! Matthew used his God-given talents and imagination to bless others through technology. Which of your kid’s unique gifts are waiting to be unleashed for God’s use?
I have the chance to give away books 1-3 of The Imagination Station series.  I love these books (in fact, I'll be reviewing #11, Hunt for the Devil's Dragon, later this week), especially for struggling or reluctant readers.
You can check my review of Attack at the Arena, one of the three titles you can win.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:   I received an Adventures in Odyssey album for free from Tyndale House Publishers as part of the Summer of Service A.C.T.S. Blog Tour.  No other compensation was received.  The fact that I received complimentary products does not guarantee a favorable post.  I am participating in this because I truly believe in the values encouraged in this program.


Kayla Rice said...

This is so cool. One thing we are doing this summer is Going to a nursing home. My little ones have really enjoyed visiting with the residents and it has been a really nice experience.

Sarah said...

We've gone to the nursing home with our American Heritage Group and my children want to volunteer at the AWL and my 8 year old wants to start saving for a foreign mission trip.

Anonymous said...

We planted flowers and too them to neighbors who couldn't get out much to brighten their day!

Heather said...

Helping to cook and clear the table when company comes over!

Cristi said...

Right now my oldest daughter is serving by being a junior counselor for a week of church camp. She's actually in charge of the pre-campers (children of staff/teachers), and I hear she's doing a fabulous job.

Erika said...

My kids love to bake goodies for people in our church.

Annette said...

we'll be having an international student stay with us for the month of August. :)

annette @ A net in time
mousegirls (at) :)