Friday, August 31, 2018
Comparative Religions: A MasterBooks Review
We've had the opportunity lately to start working through a high school course available from Master Books. Comparative Religions: Practical Apologetics for the Real World is a one-year class for 11th and 12th graders.
I love adding some of these Master Books courses into our lives. The Teacher Guide lays out a 36 week plan to work through the three volumes of World Religions and Cults, with material scheduled for five days a week.
The Teacher Guide includes worksheets that you can reproduce for your family, along with quizzes and tests.
The meat of this course is, of course, the three books by Bodie Hodge and Roger Patterson: World Religions and Cults Volumes 1, 2 and 3.
We are still in World Religions and Cults: Counterfeits of Christianity, as the course has you starting Volume 2 in week 11. We aren't there yet.
Volume 1 is good. The first third of the book talks about why this topic is important, and it introduces Christianity. There are chapters about the Catholic and Orthdox churches. I did appreciate those chapters, though I did feel I needed to detour a bit and we dug into some additional information for both.
The rest of the book gets into most of the religions you would think about for a comparative religions course: Islam and Judaism in particular. This volume covers Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormonism. Those all have fairly lengthy chapters, and these four are roughly 1/4 of the book. The final portion tends to be shorter chapters on other things I'm at least somewhat familiar with, though the kids weren't necessarily: Baha'i, Deism, Satanism, Freemasonry, Zoroastrianism, and Moonies. The only world religion covered that I really didn't know anything about was the Worldwide Church of the Creator. We aren't quite that far yet (week 9!)
I'm using this with my recent graduate, and both high school students. Richard is too young for this (age 14) as he's only a 9th grader. I would not use this with just him. But tagging along has worked .
I've been reading the e-book aloud, and we get into some pretty serious discussions from that. We talk through the worksheets as well, which have the kids summarizing the beliefs of the various religions in the categories of what they believe about God, sin, salvation, creation, etc. Very handy to have.
We have covered a lot of this information before, though, so getting past the first half or so of this volume was good. I'm really looking forward to moving on though.
World Religions and Cults: Moralistic, Mythical and Mysticism Religions is the next one up. As implied by the title, here we will deal with the Eastern Mysticism religions, like Hinduism, Jainism, and such. We also have chapters on ancient Egyptian beliefs and various mythologies. This book also hits on areas like paganism, Buddhism, and so much more. There are around twenty religions covered in this book, which is a bit overwhelming. Most chapters are short.
I read the chapter on Greek mythology, and found that to be fascinating. In addition to the material I expected, like a general outline of the various gods, and a discussion of why understanding this is important in understanding our past, there was also a discussion about how today's culture scoffs at this mythology as we are so far beyond that kind of primitive belief. But it isn't so much that the mythology was about Zeus or Poseidon, but that they were worshiping the force behind those gods. The text asks if we can really say we've moved beyond the worship of wine, or the worship of reason. Ouch. Clearly humanity still worships sex, we still worship youth. Are we really that different?
Something to ponder. And I really look forward to discussing this chapter with my high schoolers.
World Religions and Cults: Atheistic and Humanistic Religions is the third volume. Here we get back to fewer total religious systems and slightly longer chapters. Obviously, this covers atheism and agnosticism, but it also talks about Nazism, communism, naturalism, postmodernism, and a few more. This book has quite a few appendices (eight of them). I think this is going to be incredibly valuable.
What I love is that although there are many, many authors of the various chapters in the book, the tone stays fairly consistent. And the biggest thing is that it doesn't get overly technical. Most of the book(s) is fairly conversational and easy to follow.
We are learning from this course, and I definitely appreciate it!
Disclaimer: I received these ebooks for free from Master Books. No other compensation was received. The fact that I received complimentary products does not guarantee a favorable review.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition {a Homeschool Review Crew review}
High School Health is a course I struggled to pull together for my graduates. On the one hand, I thought it was important that it be on their transcript. On the other, everything I found was boring, stupid, or both. I cobbled something together, but this is one course that I felt a bit unsettled about. Did they really earn a half credit? I'm not convinced.
When I heard that Apologia Educational Ministries had a homeschool health and nutrition course coming out, I was excited. When I was told they wanted the Crew to review Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition by Dr. Laura Chase, I was very excited. When the Health and Nutrition Basic Set showed up at my home, I was very, very excited.
The basic set includes the hardcover text and one spiral-bound notebook. The notebook is not an extra like it is with their high school science courses, this is an essential part of the program. Since I have two high school students, I needed an extra Student Notebook.
The hardcover text is just what it sounds like. It contains the reading material and "On Your Own" questions and answers. Like their high school science materials, the On Your Own could be answered on a separate piece of paper, but there is space in the notebook to be answering those questions.
The notebook also includes the information for the various projects, plus chapter study guides and chapter tests. That isn't information that is included elsewhere. If you complete the course without the projects, you are missing a lot.
The basics of this course are that the student read the text, which is addressed to the students in a nice, personable way. There are "On Your Own" questions to be answered as you go along, which help the student to pick out what is important. Most modules (all but module 2 and 11) have projects to do. At the end of the chapter, there is a study guide to fill out, and a chapter test. Three modules (9, 12, and 14) don't have study guides or tests.
There are approximately sixty projects included, and these cover all kinds of things. In Module 1, project 1.4 had them determining things like whether they were right or left leg dominant, and right or left eye dominant, among other things like morning vs. night person.
As you can see in the photo on the left, determining foot dominance was a nice break from bookwork! Which foot do you naturally use to kick a ball? For all of my students, they kick with their right.
We've tested eye dominance in the past, with mixed results as some of my kids are left eye dominant. My current high schooolers are both right eye dominant though.
Many of the early projects involve a lot of writing in the student book, and not a whole lot of "doing" as such. They would certainly prefer that there be more active stuff.
As we get started on Module 3, I laughed a bit looking over the projects. Project 3.2 has them going through a decision-making process. I simply love that it is open-ended. In my high school health class, we had to do something similar, only we were assigned a problem to decide. "You/your girlfriend just found out you're/she's pregnant. What do you do?"
I hated that assignment.
(For the record, I gave the child up for adoption. My teacher graded me down because she didn't agree with my lack of pros under the option of "have an abortion," and she thought my cons for that were unrealistic. Whatever. Have I mentioned that I love that this resource is solidly Christian?)
The next project in module 3 involves a digital media fast. I'm really looking forward to that one.
Other projects, just for some examples, include taking a hearing test, and color blindness test; hunting for various items (preservatives, color additives, MSG, sugar) in your food; tracking food, sleep, exercise, and oral care; checking blood pressure and pulse; and oh-so-much-more.
Some projects involve peer pressure. Two I am really looking forward to in module 4 are practicing refusal and setting boundaries. We all need those.
The author explains in an interview that "I wanted to put in projects which helped the student understand himself or herself better." I think she succeeded in that.
You can read the interview yourself, in this free activity book. It has a lot of great stuff, but the author interview really helped me to fall in love with this program. This statement was part of that falling in love bit:
Each module (I think, I have not looked at every single one yet!) also talks about careers in health fields, including some interesting choices people don't necessarily think of immediately.
One more amazing feature of this course is the course web page. Now, I've used these pages with other Apologia books in the past. I always have to try to remember where the password is to get into it, and what the website is in the first place. So generally, I have started out strong, and then I just forget to go there. More recently, I don't even bother with it at all.
Now you create an account, which does still require me to find the website. It's linked on Apologia's main page though, so seriously. Even I can remember that.
Within your account, you add a course... and you don't have to do that every single time. It remembers that we are doing Health and Nutrition. I simply love this.
This screenshot to the right shows the links for Module 3, which I was checking out just yesterday.
I could show you a screenshot of all the books I've already added, but that really doesn't relate to this review.
Except that knowing this is out here makes me more likely to get some serious use out of these extras.
Some of the links are to articles, like this career related one from Module 2. Some are to demonstrations, or to videos. This kind of thing adds a lot to the program, and now it is easy to get to. I am so thrilled about that!
The course extras page is just one more way to have built-in flexibility with this class.
The Health and Nutrition course is designed to be one high school credit, and the schedule in the front of the student notebook has you working three days a week for 34 weeks. That pace is really quite nice. I love having something that does not have to be completed each day!
If you do this five days a week, and double up a couple of days, you can get through it in a long semester, roughly 20 weeks. I would rather take a bit more time and work in some of those extras!
I highly recommend this course, and I know this fills a huge need in the homeschooling community. Interesting, fun, and relevant health education for high school.
Go see what other Crew members thought:
Social Media Links:
Facebook: Tag: @apologiaworld
Twitter: Tag: @apologiaworld
Pinterest: Tag: @apologia
Instagram: Tag: @apologiaworld
When I heard that Apologia Educational Ministries had a homeschool health and nutrition course coming out, I was excited. When I was told they wanted the Crew to review Exploring Creation with Health and Nutrition by Dr. Laura Chase, I was very excited. When the Health and Nutrition Basic Set showed up at my home, I was very, very excited.
The basic set includes the hardcover text and one spiral-bound notebook. The notebook is not an extra like it is with their high school science courses, this is an essential part of the program. Since I have two high school students, I needed an extra Student Notebook.
Richard working on "On Your Own" questions |
The notebook also includes the information for the various projects, plus chapter study guides and chapter tests. That isn't information that is included elsewhere. If you complete the course without the projects, you are missing a lot.
The basics of this course are that the student read the text, which is addressed to the students in a nice, personable way. There are "On Your Own" questions to be answered as you go along, which help the student to pick out what is important. Most modules (all but module 2 and 11) have projects to do. At the end of the chapter, there is a study guide to fill out, and a chapter test. Three modules (9, 12, and 14) don't have study guides or tests.
There are approximately sixty projects included, and these cover all kinds of things. In Module 1, project 1.4 had them determining things like whether they were right or left leg dominant, and right or left eye dominant, among other things like morning vs. night person.
As you can see in the photo on the left, determining foot dominance was a nice break from bookwork! Which foot do you naturally use to kick a ball? For all of my students, they kick with their right.
We've tested eye dominance in the past, with mixed results as some of my kids are left eye dominant. My current high schooolers are both right eye dominant though.
Many of the early projects involve a lot of writing in the student book, and not a whole lot of "doing" as such. They would certainly prefer that there be more active stuff.
As we get started on Module 3, I laughed a bit looking over the projects. Project 3.2 has them going through a decision-making process. I simply love that it is open-ended. In my high school health class, we had to do something similar, only we were assigned a problem to decide. "You/your girlfriend just found out you're/she's pregnant. What do you do?"
I hated that assignment.
(For the record, I gave the child up for adoption. My teacher graded me down because she didn't agree with my lack of pros under the option of "have an abortion," and she thought my cons for that were unrealistic. Whatever. Have I mentioned that I love that this resource is solidly Christian?)
The next project in module 3 involves a digital media fast. I'm really looking forward to that one.
Other projects, just for some examples, include taking a hearing test, and color blindness test; hunting for various items (preservatives, color additives, MSG, sugar) in your food; tracking food, sleep, exercise, and oral care; checking blood pressure and pulse; and oh-so-much-more.
Some projects involve peer pressure. Two I am really looking forward to in module 4 are practicing refusal and setting boundaries. We all need those.
The author explains in an interview that "I wanted to put in projects which helped the student understand himself or herself better." I think she succeeded in that.
You can read the interview yourself, in this free activity book. It has a lot of great stuff, but the author interview really helped me to fall in love with this program. This statement was part of that falling in love bit:
Health books tend to promise the moon: if you eat right, if you don’t smoke, if you exercise, well, your life will be great. That’s a lie.She also talks about covering more than just physical health. This book includes modules on nutrition, mental health, exercise, illness, and yes -- reproduction. I love that reproduction is the very last module.
Each module (I think, I have not looked at every single one yet!) also talks about careers in health fields, including some interesting choices people don't necessarily think of immediately.
One more amazing feature of this course is the course web page. Now, I've used these pages with other Apologia books in the past. I always have to try to remember where the password is to get into it, and what the website is in the first place. So generally, I have started out strong, and then I just forget to go there. More recently, I don't even bother with it at all.
Now you create an account, which does still require me to find the website. It's linked on Apologia's main page though, so seriously. Even I can remember that.
Within your account, you add a course... and you don't have to do that every single time. It remembers that we are doing Health and Nutrition. I simply love this.
This screenshot to the right shows the links for Module 3, which I was checking out just yesterday.
I could show you a screenshot of all the books I've already added, but that really doesn't relate to this review.
Except that knowing this is out here makes me more likely to get some serious use out of these extras.
Some of the links are to articles, like this career related one from Module 2. Some are to demonstrations, or to videos. This kind of thing adds a lot to the program, and now it is easy to get to. I am so thrilled about that!
The course extras page is just one more way to have built-in flexibility with this class.
The Health and Nutrition course is designed to be one high school credit, and the schedule in the front of the student notebook has you working three days a week for 34 weeks. That pace is really quite nice. I love having something that does not have to be completed each day!
If you do this five days a week, and double up a couple of days, you can get through it in a long semester, roughly 20 weeks. I would rather take a bit more time and work in some of those extras!
I highly recommend this course, and I know this fills a huge need in the homeschooling community. Interesting, fun, and relevant health education for high school.
Go see what other Crew members thought:
Social Media Links:
Facebook: Tag: @apologiaworld
Twitter: Tag: @apologiaworld
Pinterest: Tag: @apologia
Instagram: Tag: @apologiaworld
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
4-H and Homeschool: Work It Wednesday
Welcome to Day Three of the 5 Days of Back to (Home)School Encouragement! Blog Hop!
Today the topic is "Work it in," with one idea being to talk about how you fit something in, especially things like electives. I had a few ideas of things I could write about here, too. When I changed my mind about what to write about yesterday, though, I absolutely knew that today's post needed to address 4-H!
We joined 4-H this year. I've thought about it off and on, but never took the plunge to go figuring it out. Part of it was that for five kids, it just seemed far too expensive. And time consuming. I may have been right about that.
This year, though, with three -- and a couple other homeschooling families I know and love -- it was decided to attempt this 4-H thing.
I heard from a lot of people that we shouldn't attempt more than 1-2 projects per person. It was hard, but we did narrow it down so they all started out in Shooting Sports, and then Thomas did 4-H Filmmaking, Richard did Computers, and Trina did Clothing Construction.
Kids getting sick and not being able to complete the Hunter Safety course, meant that only Thomas stayed in that.
Here he is shooting at the county competition. He went on to shoot at the state competition last weekend. There will be more about THAT to come.
So, from our vast experience in barely getting record books done, scrambling to figure out requirements and all, here is some of my advice for a first-time 4-H homeschooling family, or any family really.
A lot of them.
But looking back over things at the end of the year (we are DONE now!!) and looking over exhibits at the state fair a bit, for this coming year, we are incorporating a lot more 4-H into our school.
So that is part 2 of this post.
For high school, things are a bit more challenging, however I do see a few areas where we can absolutely combine 4-H projects and schoolwork. We haven't made final decisions on any of this until after we go to the State Fair, and after we hold our Student-Teacher Conferences. But some things we are looking at:
We may be biting off more than we can chew. That remains to be seen.
Go check out some of the other posts in this hop! There is a linky at the bottom, and here are a few of the folks who planned to be posting:
Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool
Angie @ Run Ran Family Adventures & Learning
Annette @ A Net in Time
Ashley @ Gift of Chaos
Betty @ Let’s Get Real
Brenda @ Counting Pinecones
Carol @ Home Sweet Life
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
Today the topic is "Work it in," with one idea being to talk about how you fit something in, especially things like electives. I had a few ideas of things I could write about here, too. When I changed my mind about what to write about yesterday, though, I absolutely knew that today's post needed to address 4-H!
We joined 4-H this year. I've thought about it off and on, but never took the plunge to go figuring it out. Part of it was that for five kids, it just seemed far too expensive. And time consuming. I may have been right about that.
This year, though, with three -- and a couple other homeschooling families I know and love -- it was decided to attempt this 4-H thing.
I heard from a lot of people that we shouldn't attempt more than 1-2 projects per person. It was hard, but we did narrow it down so they all started out in Shooting Sports, and then Thomas did 4-H Filmmaking, Richard did Computers, and Trina did Clothing Construction.
Kids getting sick and not being able to complete the Hunter Safety course, meant that only Thomas stayed in that.
Here he is shooting at the county competition. He went on to shoot at the state competition last weekend. There will be more about THAT to come.
So, from our vast experience in barely getting record books done, scrambling to figure out requirements and all, here is some of my advice for a first-time 4-H homeschooling family, or any family really.
- Ask questions. Then ask some more. Take a look at the record books early in the year so you have a clue as to what you are supposed to be keeping track of. Thomas tracked all kinds of stuff he didn't need for Film, but he didn't track the stuff he needed for Shooting Sports.
- I'd absolutely echo the advice about doing one or two projects per child. And I'd encourage combining kids into the same project if possible. I had a tough time keeping track of four projects. I can't imagine how I'd have done with more.
- Look at the stuff from a long-term perspective, thinking about the end and working backwards. Some projects -- like Clothing Construction -- have multiple levels. Trina could have done Clothing Construction 2 this year, but it would have stretched her. Much more fun, I think, to focus on some basics, and save Clothing Construction 2 for next year. She can easily get through all of the levels before she ages out. Or she may change interests.
- Don't force your kids into the stuff that interests you. There is enough stress without kids not being terribly invested in the project themselves.
- Ask questions. Then ask some more. And look at those record books again in the middle of the year.
A lot of them.
But looking back over things at the end of the year (we are DONE now!!) and looking over exhibits at the state fair a bit, for this coming year, we are incorporating a lot more 4-H into our school.
So that is part 2 of this post.
How do we turn this into school?
If my kids were all younger, meaning elementary and middle school age, I think I could easily mostly 4-H school. There is definitely science available. You can easily cover a fair amount of writing. There are loads of electives.For high school, things are a bit more challenging, however I do see a few areas where we can absolutely combine 4-H projects and schoolwork. We haven't made final decisions on any of this until after we go to the State Fair, and after we hold our Student-Teacher Conferences. But some things we are looking at:
- Computers in the 21st Century for both Thomas and Richard. This can easily be incorporated into a computer class, probably a full credit.
- Electric. They have levels 1-4. Richard has four years, so he could do one per year. Thomas might do levels 1 and 2 this year.
- Junk Drawer Robotics. They have levels 1-3 of this, and Richard has made it clear that he wants to do one per year.
- Model Rocketry. There are six units here, so Richard may work through more than one this year. Thomas is not interested. With these three (Electric, Robotics, Rocketry) we may combine years into a credit, or even into a 1/2 credit. We'll see.
- Shooting Sports. I'll be using this for a half credit of PE.
- They have to do demonstrations, and that most certainly counts towards English.
- Filmmaking. Thomas certainly plans to do this again. Oh, the subjects we can cover. Especially when he ends up doing a documentary. Filmmaking this past year was a chunk of his English credit, and we snuck in some history there too. And of course, he does have courses in filmmaking on his transcript.
- We've talked about -- but probably won't do -- using some of the entomology, gardening, wildlife, veterinary science projects in lieu of some of the textbook biology. I'm not entirely sure about that.
- That doesn't even get into things like Home Ec and Shop.
We may be biting off more than we can chew. That remains to be seen.
Go check out some of the other posts in this hop! There is a linky at the bottom, and here are a few of the folks who planned to be posting:
Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool
Angie @ Run Ran Family Adventures & Learning
Annette @ A Net in Time
Ashley @ Gift of Chaos
Betty @ Let’s Get Real
Brenda @ Counting Pinecones
Carol @ Home Sweet Life
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Combining my older kids: Take a Look Tuesday
Welcome to Day Two of the 5 Days of Back to (Home)School Encouragement! Blog Hop!
Today the topic is "take a look," with one idea being to talk about something that is new to your homeschool. I had a few ideas of things I could write about here, and sat down to write one thing. However, it occurred to me that the biggest new thing to my homeschool is just how much we are doing together this year.
Back when the kids were little (defined here as preschool and elementary), we did 'group school' for a huge part of our day. We were using Sonlight, and I truly loved that time. We had some amazing years in there reading such amazing books. All of us. Even if the little ones weren't remembering any of it. I do know that they picked up on things that were totally appropriate to their age.
Somewhere around Connor's 7th grade year, keeping them together just fell apart. They were in 7th, 5th, 3rd, K and PreK, and I could no longer target the oldest two and let the younger ones get what they could. We had also recently joined the Homeschool Review Crew, so it was pretty easy to have them all moving in separate directions.
I missed our together time, but every time I tried to bring it back, we floundered.
I've now graduated two, so the students I have at home now are in 11th, 9th and 7th grades. I didn't exactly set out to combine them all, but it sure seems to be falling into place.
The biggest thing was that Thomas needs US History, and I do try to combine my high school students as much as I can, so that means Richard will do US History this year too. I presented them with a few options, talked about pros and cons of each, and they chose Sonlight Core 100. I had also decided that it would make sense for Trina to do US History also, with a focus on earning a bunch of the America Heritage Girls badges. I had a few ideas for how to accomplish that, but one day on the website, I noticed that this is recommended for ages 12-16, grades 7-11. Trina is 12, in 7th grade.
So an idea was born. Why not combine all three of them?
I presented some options to Trina, and she glommed on to the "Sonlight with her brothers" plan. No hesitation, no doubt. The plan is to definitely do the history, and to just listen to a lot of the literature. And we do the majority of this out loud, because I want to really be a part of it all. Discussions are so much better when I understand what is being discussed.
We are also going to be adding in the White House Holidays Unit Studies that were reviewed by the Crew a couple months ago. Starting with Labor Day next wek.
For English, the plan was to work through Literary Lessons from The Lord of the Rings. Richard, Thomas and I were all excited about that. And then... and then everyone started on a huge Narnia kick, and we started talking about Further Up and Further In, which is intended for grades 5-8, so it is allegedly too young for my high schoolers. But the more we looked at it online, the more we talked, the more we felt this was right. All of us can do this, together.
Combining our CS Lewis study with actually doing the lit assignments for a few of the Sonlight titles (Tom Sawyer, To Kill a Mockingbird) and some other writing assignments from Power in Your Hands (going very slowly through that!) will comprise our English credit.
I think it is going to be fun!
We are using Apologia Health and Nutrition (watch for a review next week!) for both boys.
Science hasn't been totally decided yet, but at least Richard and Thomas will be doing that together. I'll touch on that tomorrow. And I may be making them all do Spanish as a group too.
If that is the case, we have five fairly "core" credits they are doing as a group. Math is the one area where each student will be doing their own thing.
I am so stinkin' excited. We've started Sonlight, and the Health. We're starting CS Lewis this week. The rest is waiting until after Labor Day.
Go check out some of the other posts in this hop! There is a linky at the bottom, and here are a few of the folks who planned to be posting:
Nicole @ Bless Their Hearts Mom
Patti @ Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy
Rebekah @ There Will Be a $5 Charge For Whining
Rodna @ Training Children up for Christ
Stacy @ A Homemakers Heart
Tess @ Circling Through This Life
Wendy @ Life at Rossmont
Yvie @ Gypsy Road
Today the topic is "take a look," with one idea being to talk about something that is new to your homeschool. I had a few ideas of things I could write about here, and sat down to write one thing. However, it occurred to me that the biggest new thing to my homeschool is just how much we are doing together this year.
One of my favorite read-alouds from those early years |
Somewhere around Connor's 7th grade year, keeping them together just fell apart. They were in 7th, 5th, 3rd, K and PreK, and I could no longer target the oldest two and let the younger ones get what they could. We had also recently joined the Homeschool Review Crew, so it was pretty easy to have them all moving in separate directions.
I missed our together time, but every time I tried to bring it back, we floundered.
I've now graduated two, so the students I have at home now are in 11th, 9th and 7th grades. I didn't exactly set out to combine them all, but it sure seems to be falling into place.
Our Sonlight shelf -- with their elementary US history below |
So an idea was born. Why not combine all three of them?
I presented some options to Trina, and she glommed on to the "Sonlight with her brothers" plan. No hesitation, no doubt. The plan is to definitely do the history, and to just listen to a lot of the literature. And we do the majority of this out loud, because I want to really be a part of it all. Discussions are so much better when I understand what is being discussed.
We are also going to be adding in the White House Holidays Unit Studies that were reviewed by the Crew a couple months ago. Starting with Labor Day next wek.
For English, the plan was to work through Literary Lessons from The Lord of the Rings. Richard, Thomas and I were all excited about that. And then... and then everyone started on a huge Narnia kick, and we started talking about Further Up and Further In, which is intended for grades 5-8, so it is allegedly too young for my high schoolers. But the more we looked at it online, the more we talked, the more we felt this was right. All of us can do this, together.
Combining our CS Lewis study with actually doing the lit assignments for a few of the Sonlight titles (Tom Sawyer, To Kill a Mockingbird) and some other writing assignments from Power in Your Hands (going very slowly through that!) will comprise our English credit.
I think it is going to be fun!
We are using Apologia Health and Nutrition (watch for a review next week!) for both boys.
Science hasn't been totally decided yet, but at least Richard and Thomas will be doing that together. I'll touch on that tomorrow. And I may be making them all do Spanish as a group too.
If that is the case, we have five fairly "core" credits they are doing as a group. Math is the one area where each student will be doing their own thing.
I am so stinkin' excited. We've started Sonlight, and the Health. We're starting CS Lewis this week. The rest is waiting until after Labor Day.
Go check out some of the other posts in this hop! There is a linky at the bottom, and here are a few of the folks who planned to be posting:
Nicole @ Bless Their Hearts Mom
Patti @ Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy
Rebekah @ There Will Be a $5 Charge For Whining
Rodna @ Training Children up for Christ
Stacy @ A Homemakers Heart
Tess @ Circling Through This Life
Wendy @ Life at Rossmont
Yvie @ Gypsy Road
Monday, August 20, 2018
Student-Teacher Conferences: Motivation Monday
This post does contain one affiliate link -- to
Welcome to Day One of the 5 Days of Back to (Home)School Encouragement! Blog Hop! I'm getting a late start, as I had a long weekend. I plan to post a bit about THAT on Thursday.
Today, though, the topic is motivation, and sometimes it really is hard to find any of that, especially for high school. This seemed like a perfect time to share about something that really did change our schooling.
I had kids who were 13, 12, 10, 6 and 4. Eighth grade, sixth grade, fourth grade, first grade and preschool.
One thing I really felt I needed to do was to get some sort of high school plan into place. Connor's input was important to me, but every time I tried to have a conversation with him about high school, I'd have a younger sibling interrupting. Out of total frustration, and a quick, "God, help me make this conversation happen!" I announced that the following weekend, Connor & I were going grocery shopping ALONE and that we'd be going to Starbucks as well, to sit and have a discussion about high school. Dale could hold down the fort without us.
That was the most brilliant high school homeschool decision I ever made.
What happened that day was really great. Connor and I had an uninterrupted conversation about his plans and thoughts. We kept it mostly low-tech, with notepads and pens, and occasionally looking something up on the laptop. I was able to communicate my requirements for high school graduation, and he was able to communicate what he wanted to learn about, and maybe a hint of what he wanted to do in life.
I thought I was just doing a one-time thing, having a conversation with my teen away from everyone.
Instead, I was beginning a tradition.
Since then, generally twice a year (January and sometime over the summer), it is Student-Teacher Conference time. We pick somewhere to go and get some food or a drink, and I typically go from oldest to youngest, doing one-on-one time with each high school student, or soon-to-be high school student (mid-8th grade is really the "official" start). We've been to Starbucks, Subway, the Rush Cafe, Cold Stone Creamery, Village Inn, Dickie's Barbecue... and I'm sure I've forgotten some.
Basically, we go somewhere we wouldn't normally go, at an off time when they aren't usually busy, and we hang out for a couple of hours. We go over what courses are already on their transcript, or are in progress. I have a map of the graduation requirements for Brinkman Academy. We talk about what we need to do in the coming two semesters, and some tentative ideas for the time after the next year.
The biggest thing is we talk electives. And I hear things like, "I'd love an apologetics class." Or, "Could I get some serious audiobooks?" Or "I really would love some animation and film courses." Or, "I want to study aviation."
They think this is great too. They like knowing what is expected of them, and they like being able to help figure out what they do -- or do not -- have time to add in. They like the one-on-one time, focused on what is best for them, and not necessarily having to be doing the compromise thing.
When I asked them about Student-Teacher Conferences and their thoughts, every single one of them (both graduates, both high school students, and the 7th grader) was enthusiastic. I heard words like productive and beneficial. I heard helpful from almost everyone. They all said it is something we have to continue to do.
I start with my junior or senior so that we can hammer out a schedule for him. What does he need in the next one or two years? Then I do this with my sophomore or freshman. What courses is he taking with his big brother? What else do we need to figure out? On the years I have an eighth grader, I start doing this with him (next year, it will be with HER). That one tends to be a lot more big picture, plus a lot of ideas for electives.
Why did I choose this as a post for Motivation Monday? Three things, I think:
Go check out some of the other posts in this hop! There is a linky at the bottom, and here are a few of the folks who planned to be posting:
Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures
Lori @ At Home: where life happens
Margaret @ Creative Madness Mama
Marla @ Jump Into Genius
Meredith @ Powerline Productions: Being World Changers/Raising World Changers
Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays
Missica @ Through The Open Window
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Welcome to Day One of the 5 Days of Back to (Home)School Encouragement! Blog Hop! I'm getting a late start, as I had a long weekend. I plan to post a bit about THAT on Thursday.
Today, though, the topic is motivation, and sometimes it really is hard to find any of that, especially for high school. This seemed like a perfect time to share about something that really did change our schooling.
The history:
A few years back, probably eight years, this household was gearing up to be starting high school. That was a scary time, as somehow it all seemed so much more real and important than everything we had done before. It is and it isn't. But that isn't the point of this post.A comment by William about learning modern history led to a return to Sonlight! |
One thing I really felt I needed to do was to get some sort of high school plan into place. Connor's input was important to me, but every time I tried to have a conversation with him about high school, I'd have a younger sibling interrupting. Out of total frustration, and a quick, "God, help me make this conversation happen!" I announced that the following weekend, Connor & I were going grocery shopping ALONE and that we'd be going to Starbucks as well, to sit and have a discussion about high school. Dale could hold down the fort without us.
That was the most brilliant high school homeschool decision I ever made.
Richard really wanted this.. and we'll be joining CAP as a result |
I thought I was just doing a one-time thing, having a conversation with my teen away from everyone.
Instead, I was beginning a tradition.
Since then, generally twice a year (January and sometime over the summer), it is Student-Teacher Conference time. We pick somewhere to go and get some food or a drink, and I typically go from oldest to youngest, doing one-on-one time with each high school student, or soon-to-be high school student (mid-8th grade is really the "official" start). We've been to Starbucks, Subway, the Rush Cafe, Cold Stone Creamery, Village Inn, Dickie's Barbecue... and I'm sure I've forgotten some.
"Architecture would be interesting." SchoolhouseTeachers to the rescue! |
The biggest thing is we talk electives. And I hear things like, "I'd love an apologetics class." Or, "Could I get some serious audiobooks?" Or "I really would love some animation and film courses." Or, "I want to study aviation."
What do my kids think?
Thomas wants to go into film. That meant I jumped at this course! |
When I asked them about Student-Teacher Conferences and their thoughts, every single one of them (both graduates, both high school students, and the 7th grader) was enthusiastic. I heard words like productive and beneficial. I heard helpful from almost everyone. They all said it is something we have to continue to do.
I start with my junior or senior so that we can hammer out a schedule for him. What does he need in the next one or two years? Then I do this with my sophomore or freshman. What courses is he taking with his big brother? What else do we need to figure out? On the years I have an eighth grader, I start doing this with him (next year, it will be with HER). That one tends to be a lot more big picture, plus a lot of ideas for electives.
Why did I choose this as a post for Motivation Monday? Three things, I think:
- These Student-Teacher Conferences inspire me tremendously.
- My kids getting serious input into school motivates them a lot too.
- Maybe this isn't what your homeschool needs, but you can stumble into something that is a game-changer for you.
Go check out some of the other posts in this hop! There is a linky at the bottom, and here are a few of the folks who planned to be posting:
Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures
Lori @ At Home: where life happens
Margaret @ Creative Madness Mama
Marla @ Jump Into Genius
Meredith @ Powerline Productions: Being World Changers/Raising World Changers
Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays
Missica @ Through The Open Window
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Friday, August 17, 2018
The Crew is doing a Blog Hop next week!
And I am actually participating.
Shhh. Don't tell anyone. Wait... no, tell everyone. The more the merrier!
I have challenged myself to actually post in each and every one of these. We'll see how that goes.
Some thoughts I've had about what to write about next week --
Okay, that is more than five posts, and I haven't completely figured out how they work into the 5 Days of Homeschool Encouragement themes above. I might write something completely different. You can check back here to see!
There are a bunch of people participating. Check 'em out!
Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool
Angie @ Run Ran Family Adventures & Learning
Annette @ A Net in Time
Ashley @ Gift of Chaos
Brenda @ Counting Pinecones
Carol @ Home Sweet Life
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
Christine @ Christine Howard
Dawn @ Schoolin' Swag
Felicia @ Homeschool 4 Life
Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning
Jeniffer @ Thou Shall Not Whine
Jennifer @ A Glimpse of Our Life
Jennifer @ Dear Homeschooler
Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory
Karen @ Tots and Me...Growing Up Together
Kellyann @ Walking Home ...
Kimberley @ Vintage Blue Suitcase
Kristen @ A Mom's Quest to Teach
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
Laura @ Four Little Penguins
Linda @ Apron Strings & other things
Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures
Lori @ At Home: where life happens
Marla @ Jump Into Genius
Meredith @ Powerline Productions: Being World Changers/Raising World Changers
Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays
Missica @ Through The Open Window
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Nicole @ Bless Their Hearts Mom
Patti @ Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy
Rebekah @ There Will Be a $5 Charge For Whining
Rodna @ Training Children up for Christ
Stacy @ A Homemakers Heart
Wendy @ Life at Rossmont
Yvie @ Gypsy Road
Shhh. Don't tell anyone. Wait... no, tell everyone. The more the merrier!
I have challenged myself to actually post in each and every one of these. We'll see how that goes.
Some thoughts I've had about what to write about next week --
- Incorporating 4H into our homeschool, from the perspective of a family just finishing up their first year in 4H.
- Our semi-annual Student-Teacher conferences, and why I think this is the single best thing we have done for homeschooling high school.
- How I cannot imagine homeschooling without the Crew.
- How excited I am to be back to Sonlight, with all my homeschoolers doing history together.
- How I incorporate my kids' interests into my school requirements.
- Things I'd tell myself, if I thought 15-year-ago-me would listen.
- How to narrow things down and not try to do it all.
Okay, that is more than five posts, and I haven't completely figured out how they work into the 5 Days of Homeschool Encouragement themes above. I might write something completely different. You can check back here to see!
- Student-Teacher Conferences (Motivation Monday)
- Combining my Older Kids (Take a Look Tuesday)
- 4-H and Homeschool (Work it in Wednesday)
There are a bunch of people participating. Check 'em out!
Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool
Angie @ Run Ran Family Adventures & Learning
Annette @ A Net in Time
Ashley @ Gift of Chaos
Brenda @ Counting Pinecones
Carol @ Home Sweet Life
Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
Christine @ Christine Howard
Dawn @ Schoolin' Swag
Felicia @ Homeschool 4 Life
Jacquelin @ A Stable Beginning
Jeniffer @ Thou Shall Not Whine
Jennifer @ A Glimpse of Our Life
Jennifer @ Dear Homeschooler
Joelle @ Homeschooling for His Glory
Karen @ Tots and Me...Growing Up Together
Kellyann @ Walking Home ...
Kimberley @ Vintage Blue Suitcase
Kristen @ A Mom's Quest to Teach
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
Laura @ Four Little Penguins
Linda @ Apron Strings & other things
Lisa @ Farm Fresh Adventures
Lori @ At Home: where life happens
Marla @ Jump Into Genius
Meredith @ Powerline Productions: Being World Changers/Raising World Changers
Michele @ Family, Faith and Fridays
Missica @ Through The Open Window
Monique @ Mountain of Grace Homeschooling
Nicole @ Bless Their Hearts Mom
Patti @ Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy
Rebekah @ There Will Be a $5 Charge For Whining
Rodna @ Training Children up for Christ
Stacy @ A Homemakers Heart
Wendy @ Life at Rossmont
Yvie @ Gypsy Road
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