Monday, November 1, 2010

Gratitude Challenge: Day One

I was NOT going to do this.  But I have to.

A good friend of mine, Brenda at Garden of Learning, put together a Gratitude Challenge.  The idea is to post for every day in November about something you are thankful for.

So -- Day One --

Tonight was Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts.  I have two of each, which everyone who reads my blog knows already.  I've spent time griping a bit about some of the things going on with our pack and with our troop.

Tonight, with this Gratitude Challenge in mind, I looked around the room at Cubs, and briefly looked at the Boy Scout room too...

And I am incredibly grateful for a whole bunch of wonderful, wonderful men (and some women too) who spend a whole lot of time, energy and effort, not just to make the troop and pack a better place for their sons, but to enrich the lives of all these young men.  Including mine.


Brenda Emmett said...

Love those wonderful parents who help make the scouting program what it is for the boys. Thanks so much for sharing! :-)

Debbie Phillips said...

Glad you decided to join us. It is good to concentrate on the good things in our lives... they are a blessing from the Lord and we should be thankful.

i cant decide said...


Anonymous said...

My nephews love scouting too. It has really made a difference for them.

My Captivating Life said...

I have been considering putting my girls in scouts so this is encouraging! :)