Saturday, May 7, 2011

Homemaker's 31 Days to Clean Challenge: Check-in #1

Homemakers Challenge - 31 Days to Clean

Okay, so here it is.  Checking in for how it is going on my first week.

And yucky!  is probably the best description.

I started off sick, so that didn't help.  Fortunately, the first day doesn't require DOING anything, but I just could not function on Tuesday.  So I'm a day behind.

Good thing we are taking off weekends, so I will catch up today.

This is interesting.  The book has both "Mary" and "Martha" challenges.  I prefer the Martha ones.  The Martha Challenges involve doing things like scrubbing the top of my fridge.  The Mary Challenges involve way too much thinking.  I don't want to think about all of this.

Anyway, I'm undoubtedly not doing this whole 31 Days to Clean thing the way anyone else intended... but here's my take on it.  My life is insane.  Things are crazy.  And if I continue with the weekends off thing, this challenge takes 6 weeks.  If I repeat it every six weeks, that means that six weeks from now my challenge is going to come back around to scrubbing the top of my fridge again. 

So I'm going for a 31 Days to CleanER challenge.  I am making sure I spend at least 15-20 minutes on a challenge, and enough time to do it completely if possible.  But rather than get hung up on the fact that I simply did not have time to seriously clean the oven the other day, I actually did get in there, pull the door off, pull the shelves out, and I did scrub it down some.  It is far cleanER than it was.

I don't like FlyLady much, but the one thing that I really appreciated from her that I had never heard elsewhere was the idea that housework done imperfectly still blesses your family.  That's the approach I'm taking here too.  I'm getting kids involved as well, and that may help me actually complete more of these. 

I'm definitely going to need to repeat this book.  Over and over and over.

Click the graphic above to either join, or to see how others are doing this week!


Kela said...

Whadda ya know! I was reading your post when you commented on mine! We're thinking about each other in this. :)

I like your approach. CleanER. That's us around here. We aren't necessarily busy outside our home, but I don't wanna spend every moment that we're in it trying to make sure that it stays clean.

Debra said...

Too funny Kela! :)

Your post was fabulous. I was jealous. Thinking "That's what I should have written!"

So for everyone reading, go click Kela's name and read HER check-in!

Unknown said...

Okay, you made me spend money. Boooooo! (Just kidding. I'm excited about having this book.)

Amy B

Janene said...

Love the clean-er title!! Something is definitely better than nothing in my opinion. Hope you have a great week!