- they took all five of my kids at once. Believe me, even if I'm in a coma, my kids will not miss an appointment. I am that appreciative of a place that does not insist on making me drag the kids in two by two.
- the dentist is an Eagle Scout. I know it shouldn't matter, any dentist has gotten through schooling and all. But my older sons' respect for the man shot up substantially when we found that out. It meant the boys truly listened. And they have been incredibly diligent about brushing and flossing, though it has only been two days.
- the dentist treated all of them, even the 3 year old, like people who deserved to understand what was being done to them, and who deserved to have their questions answered. Wow.
- and if you go check out my Sonlight Moments post, you can see that the dentist easily switched from talking to them at what he assumed was their level to talking to them like kids who expected to hear correct vocabulary.
- and best of all, not once did anyone in the office do a single thing to make me feel like the worst mother in the world for not getting them to the dentist as often as I should. No guilt at all.
Ahhhh... we've finally found a dental home...
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