Thursday, July 28, 2011

Reading Aloud Challenge: July 28

It's been a good week with reading aloud... mostly not because we are actually doing much, but because I've run across so many great things about the value of doing it, and I am just encouraged.  Even in my bad weeks, we are still reading aloud some.  And that means that my kids are benefiting.  And we just love it. 

And then there is the chance to go visit the people who link here.  Wow, some amazing people, reading great stuff.  Thanks for sharing it with me!

So this week...

Evolution: The Grand 
Experiment: Vol. 2 - Living FossilsWe continued working through our summer science.  Living Fossils.  The review on this IS happening in the next week.
Augustine Came to Kent 
(Living History Library)

An Inter-Library Loan came in -- Augusting Came to Kent.  We've barely moved past starting it.  It is a long ILL, so we don't have to rush, but we do need to make more progress.

If Animals Could Talk: 
Creation Speaks for ItselfWe are continuing to read If Animals Could Talk.  This turned into a read it to everyone book, and it is fun. We're getting close to the end, and should have finished it this past week.  I am finishing today, I am, I am, I am.

Passport to the World: 
Your A to Z Guided Language TourPassport to the World. Thomas is doing this for the Master Books program, and he is enjoying it.  What a cool book -- and it includes countries/languages that just don't make the list in most books of this sort.  Lithuania is my personal favorite. We'll be finishing this up really soon too.

Exploring the World Around You: A Look at Nature from Tropics to TundraExploring the World Around You is another one I've been reading with William for the Master Books program, and I've totally forgotten to mention it.  This one is going to need some concerted effort though... we are not very far into it, and the program ends Sunday.  If we can do a couple chapters a day for the rest of this month, we will get through it.  Wish us luck.

Plans for this coming week? Finishing up all of the above.  More Red Rock Mysteries -- we did check three out from the library, but they are still in the bag!

How did your week go?  Sign the linky to link up your reading aloud post and I'll definitely come visit your post.   Love having you here...  There are a few of you who I'm missing though...  Come back!  Come back!!  I miss you!!

To see my first post when this turned into a linky thing, check here.


Michelle Smith said...

Another great week, Debra. You continue to inspire me. Me, well, I did check in. I did begin reading one book. Hopefully, this weekend I'll have something better to report.

Tess said...

I've linked to my goals which are mostly reading (and reading aloud related). It's also a goal this week to participate in the Read Aloud Challenge that you post on August 4.