Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Review and Giveaway: Mornings With Jesus

This year, I've been fortunate enough to be blessed with a devotional called Mornings with Jesus: Daily Encouragement for your Soul

Written by seven women, including at least a couple authors I've reviewed before (Judy Baer and Tricia Goyer), this is a devotional that I actually do keep reaching for.  With different people writing the entries, there is just enough of a change of approach day-to-day to keep me interested and coming back.

From the publisher:
"Be still and know that I am God.” is one of the most beautiful verses from the Bible, but it’s not easy to practice in this busy world. Mornings with Jesus will help you do just that—“be still” in Jesus’ beautiful and powerful presence. For those who are seeking a deeper experience in their relationship with Christ, Mornings with Jesus offers a fresh perspective of who Jesus is (the Healer, the Son of God, the Comforter, the Good Shepherd) and what that means for day-to-day life. With a warm and friendly voice, 365 short devotional writings on the character and teachings of Jesus encourage readers to greet each day by drawing near to Him and inviting His presence into their day. Spend time with Jesus at the beginning of each day and experience His nearness and peace in a new way throughout the year. Each day’s selection includes:
  • a Bible verse 
  • an entry based on Jesus: His words, miracles, and parables; His wisdom, compassion, and comfort; His mystery, power, divinity, and humanity 
  • a “faith step” that will inspire and challenge readers to apply the day’s message to their lives
I love the format.  It is so very easy to read, and the "faith step" part often leaves me pondering the message for a good part of my day.

Take this morning, for instance.  The Bible verse is Galatians 6:2.  Keri Wyatt Kent talks about how she is able to easily avoid "the oppressed" in her everyday life... but then goes on to talk about how her life -- and that of her entire family -- was "forever changed" when they did step out and reached out to the oppressed.  Touching story.  Part of the faith step suggested that you "figure out ways in which you avoid those in need, and ... begin to change that."

Ummmm.  Yeah.  How do I avoid those in need?  Let me count the ways...

This one is going to stick with me for more than just today.

Now, normally I am not a big fan of dated devotionals.  They tend to make me feel guilty.  Because invariably, I'll miss a day or two and then feel hopelessly lost.  I only received this book a week and a half ago, or so... and I found it pretty easy to "catch up" by reading today's passage in the morning (because even before I have coffee, I can usually figure out which day today is) and then reading one of the passages I missed around lunchtime.  As of yesterday, I was completely caught up...

And I can see ignoring the days of the week on this, and re-reading it in 2013 or 2018 or whenever.  The sections may start with a day and date, but they certainly appear to be timeless.  I will be continuing to read this throughout this year.

You could too.  I was generously given two copies of this book so that I could share one with one of you...

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:  I received this book and a book to give away through LitFuse Blog Tour.  No other compensation was received.  All opinions expressed in this review are my own.  


Unknown said...

Im interested in any book that can help me grow closer and more knowledgeable in Christ!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

I'm interested in all day with Jesus.

Walking Fruitfully said...

I usually get burnt out with devotionals. I think the different authors might be helpful in sticking with it for me (as you pointed out for yourself :D )

(Pick me, pick me! :D)

Heather Lynn said...

What a great tool to help in the quiet time with God. I would love to win this. :)

Katy said...

I would love a new devotional to use in my quiet times with Christ!

Katy A.

Unknown said...

Hi Debra. I'm brand new to your blog. I just happened upon it and now I'm a follower too. I love devotionals they make my day start out better and my night calmer. This one looks great and I would love to have a chance to use it daily.

Hugs...Tracy @ Cotton Pickin Cute

P.S. love your profile picture. Oh' btw - I've got 3 giveaways going on now. I'd love you to visit and enter.

Unknown said...

because id love some way to growth my faith daily

Unknown said...

The book sounds like a simple way to start the day focused on Jesus and I like the fact that you are still thinking about it later in the day. That's great!

Vanessa said...

I had been looking for a good devotional. I think this would be good.

Lane Hill House said...

I have just received Tricia Goyer’s novel Along Wooded Paths. She is the only author I recognize. I would like to have this devotional to read during this leap year because it has 366 devotions and is for 2012.
I like devotions because they begin a central theme and you can continue your Bible study further on the Scriptures that pertain to the subject on that day for in-depth study. It is a nice jump-start place to begin.