Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Book Review and Giveaway: As One Devil to Another

C. S. Lewis has been a favorite of mine pretty much forever.  So in reading this description from the publisher, I knew I simply had to read this.
As One Devil to Another is an astonishing debut work that C. S. Lewis’s biographer and foremost Lewis authority Walter Hooper calls “a stunning achievement, the finest example of the genre of diabolical correspondence to appear since this genre was popularized by C. S. Lewis.” Enter into this chilling and diabolical tale, one that reveals the very tricks and strategies of Hell. Through a series of letters between devils created by Platt, senior devil Slashreap trains his young protégé, Scardagger, to win an individual soul away from Heaven and into their clutches. As the devils plot their way to triumph, they reveal the spiritual dangers and risks we face in today’s society. Their frighteningly accurate perspective on issues such as contemporary technology and sexual mores is interwoven with timeless matters such as the power of prayer, the purpose of suffering, and the promises held out by Heaven . . . and Hell. Destined to become a modern classic, As One Devil to Another is a brilliantly written, deeply unsettling perspective on twenty-first-century society . . . a glimpse of ourselves through the eyes of those who have embraced their underworldly existence.
The book totally lived up to the promise of the above blurb.  As One Devil to Another by Richard Platt is an astonishing debut work. Platt picks up the devilish correspondence where Screwtape left off, with enough allusions to Screwtape Letters (and to the commencement address) for fans of the original work to smile in recognition to the references. However, being familiar with Screwtape Letters is by no means a prerequisite for this title.  As One Devil to Another stands alone.  And it stands on the shoulders of The Screwtape Letters as well.

A captivating read (fun just is NOT the right word for this), this is something I highly recommend.

Both of these titles are going to be required reading for my high school students.

I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to give one of YOU a copy of this book too.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer:   I received this book -- and the one I'm giving away -- for free from Tyndale House Publishers.  No other compensation was received.  The fact that I received a complimentary product does not guarantee a favorable review.


Leah Courtney said...

I'm posting my review tomorrow. :-) I thoroughly enjoyed this one!

Blossom Barden (NorthLaurel) said...

Although we aren't all the way through with The Screwtape Letters, I think we would also like As One Devil to Another.

Cristi said...

My oldest daughter told me I HAD to enter this giveaway so that she can read the book. :) (PS -- she says, "Hi Miss Debra!)

Debra said...

Cristi -- oh, this is SO not fair... using your daughter to try to influence the outcome... LOL

Tell her I said "Hi" back at her, and I definitely hope she gets the chance to own the book!!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

narnia books

Jessica Peeling said...

I like The Magician's Nephew :)

Lauren Marie said...

I enjoy CS Lewis, so, i look forward to reading this book.

Jennifer Irving said...

I love these kinds of books... something that is different, but makes you think.

Tess said...

I'd like to win this book because we are currently doing a lit study on the Screwtape letters.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like a book that I'd really enjoy, plus who knows who else in the family would like it. I'm reading a history book for my seminary class and have two sons who are reading it with me because they thought the subject was interesting. I love the power of homeschooling especially when college students grab mom's books to read for fun.

momma8385 said...

This book sounds like a great read and I am interested in reading it. Thanks for the chance.
:) Jeanne B. T.

Unknown said...

Chronicles of narnia

Robin Blankenship said...

Till we have Faces was my fave CS Lewis

pmj said...

The narnia books-

Crib Couture said...

I think that this would be very interesting and I love Alice in Wonderland.

Unknown said...

i love alice in wonderland!!!

Lisa R said...

I am interested because he wrote the Narnia books

sibabe64 at ptd dot net

Anonymous said...

I want to read this because it looks very unique and unusual - definitely something I would like!

Kristie said...

I am interested because I have never read any C.S. Lewis. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.