I know I listened to cassettes of some of his motivational talks in college/early in my CPA career. And I know I have heard him on Focus on the Family.
He is someone I truly respect.
So when I saw his daughter was writing a book titled Growing Up Ziglar, I was hoping it wasn't going to be something that would tarnish that image. The smiling faces on the cover reassured me.
And I have to say that I am so glad I requested this book.
From the publisher:
Julie Ziglar Norman often says her dad is the king of 'doing life right' and she is the poster child for 'doing life wrong.'This description doesn't do the book justice at all.
For over a quarter of a century she lived every day with regret, shame, guilt, and depression. But she was the daughter of the motivator's motivator, Zig Ziglar, and knew that she needed to be positive. So she gathered up all her negative self-talk and squashed it deep down inside where it couldn't ruin the bright and practiced smile she presented to the world.
'People might assume Zig Ziglar's daughter would automatically grow up to have a positive attitude,' Julie says. 'For a large portion of my life, I was just positive I was miserable!'
Her powerful and heartwarming story will move readers to laughter and tears. Mostly it will renew their faith in God's power to redeem all the wrong choices and bring them full circle to hope and healing. Julie urges readers not to settle for okay when God has true joy waiting for them. She shares tools to equip them to make the changes needed to find true freedom in every area of life.
Julie describes herself as the poster child for 'doing life wrong' and this book certainly gets into some of that, without a lot of sordid detail. Enough detail that she just sounds like someone I'd love to know. Julie is far from perfect, having made a lot of bad choices in her life. And a few really good ones.
It was so easy to relate to so much of what she wrote. She's just so very real.
I cannot convey what I want to in this review. But I finished the book, and immediately turned back to the beginning to read it again. I never do that. Especially not when there is an about to topple stack of other books I'm supposed to be reviewing.
I need to read it again. I need her messages to sink in.
And I'd highly recommend it for you, too.
Disclaimer: I received this book through LitFuse Blog Tour. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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