Sunday, November 11, 2012

Bountiful Baskets: November 10

Another Bountiful Baskets post, a day late.  Yesterday was BUSY.  Good thing it was an A week, so I got my basket done first thing.

Here is ONE basket:

My baskets this time were identical, so I'll just list the contents of one.
  • Two huge potatoes (yeah, I put three in the photo. Oops.)
  • Two bunches celery
  • Three ears of white corn
  • Three one-pound bags of carrots
  • One head romaine lettuce
  • Five perfectly ripe tomatoes
  • One pineapple
  • Two "personal size" watermelon
  • One honeydew melon
  • Seven bananas
Don't know what to tell you about how this will be used.  The kids (and Dad when he's here) will have a melon a day for awhile.  I can't eat those.  Maybe we'll break it up with a pineapple at some point in there.  I may dehydrate some pineapple.

We'll have corn with dinner.

I'll probably saute up some carrots and celery, with onions (have those around already).

Everything else is pretty much staples and will just get used. Without me thinking about it much.

I was thrilled to use the last of my "old" carrots today... so I only have the six pounds I got in my basket yesterday. 

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