Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bountiful Baskets: December 7

It was so nice to have Thanksgiving weekend off from Bountiful Baskets -- but it was also incredibly nice to be back this week.

It was a very chilly morning, but take a look at my pretty basket:

I think it was worth it!  This basket includes:
  • 2 heads cauliflower
  • a whole lot of organic broccoli
  • 4 organic on-the-vine tomatoes
  • 1 bunch lettuce
  • 4 green bell peppers
  • 9 rainbow carrots
  • 2 pineapples
  • 2 Oro Blancos
  • 1 mango
  • 5 gorgeous Gala apples
  • 6 bananas
I also got a tropical pack.  It is even prettier.

It contains:
  • 1 pineapple
  • 4 mangoes
  • 6 kiwi
  • 1 coconut
  • 7 limes
  • a bag of mint
  • two vanilla beans

And I split a box of pears with a friend.

What will we do with all of this yummy stuff?
  • tomatoes, lettuce, bell peppers, carrots, and most of the fruit is just eaten.  No planning.
  • I hope to can some pears
  • Broccoli will go into a skillet lunch or two (basically a tuna hotdish, adding broccoli)
  • Cauliflower - one will be eaten with dip, the other will probably be added to an alfredo meal
  • Pineapples may need to be dehydrated.  The one I got a couple weeks ago is just now ripe too, so I have four of them around.
  • Key lime pie, baby.  Oh, yeah.
  • I'm making more vanilla extract.  Love knowing there isn't any junk in my vanilla extract.
  • I need to come up with something fun to do with mangoes besides just eat them or use them in smoothies
  • Same thing for coconut
  • And I'm doing something fun with the mint.  I made mint extract last time, but I haven't USED any of it, so I don't need more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Debra can you please email me at I won the homemakers cd oct 17 and havent recived it yet. Thanks!