Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Audio Book Challenge

Reading Challenge #2 for today...

This one shouldn't be horribly difficult.  I love to listen to audiobooks, though I don't get as much time as I would like.

So, The Royal Reviews is hosting an Audio Book Challenge, and I simply had to join in on the fun.  They have different levels available from Curious (3 audiobooks in 2010) to Obsessed (20 audiobooks).  I decided to go for Addicted (12 audiobooks).

I will count "significant" audiobooks that relate to my kids' schooling.  Like I'm pre-reading (pre-listening) to Till We Have Faces right now.

Here's my list (in parentheses are titles I'm currently listening to) [in brackets are titles I'm tentatively planning]:

  1. Till We Have Faces by C. S. Lewis
  2. Inside the Revolution by Joel C. Rosenberg
  3. Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
  4. Famous Men of Rome by John Haaren and A. B. Poland
  5. D'Aulaires' Greek Myths by Ingri and Edgar D'Aulaire
  6. Roman Myths by Geraldine McCaughrean
  7. Pearl Buck in China by Hilary Spurling
  8. The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
  9. (America: The Last, Best Hope Volume II by William Bennett)
  10. [Missing Max by Karen Young]


Heidi said...

I might have my kids get in on this! It might get them to listen to something NEW for a change.

Debra said...

Oooh, this would be a good challenge to have my kids do. I should have Connor do the Classics one too. He's working on Iliad right now. The kid needs a blog.

Michelle Smith said...

I signed up, Debra! :) Thanks for bringing it to my attention! I only signed up at the Fascinated level, but I might up my level as time goes on. :)

Debra said...

Yay, Michelle!

I'm hoping this will push me a bit more to actually listen to some of the audiobooks I have, and to listen to the ones I check out from the library. I try to be sure I always have something around in case I'm going to be spending a chunk of time in the car... but that doesn't always translate to actually listening!!