Hearing about the book Don't Check Your Brains at the Door by Josh McDowell and Bob Hostetler, I knew this was something I just had to read.
Not only did I need to read it, but my teen did as well. I hoped when I signed up for this blog tour, that I would be selected.
When the book arrived, Connor disappeared with it and ended up reading about half of it in one sitting. I nearly needed to wrestle it away from him.
Okay, so -- from the publisher:
Don't Check Your Brains at the Door gives teens answers that make sense, even for the toughest of questions. Internationally known defender of the faith Josh McDowell and co-author Bob Hostetler offer clarity laced with humor to expose common myths about God, the Bible, religion, and life to show how Christianity stands up to the test of fact and reason. Teens will be better equipped to stick with their faith as they begin to understand why they believe and why it's important to make a lifetime commitment to Christ and the church.
My response to the book? I love that the chapters are pretty short (around four pages) and the "Brain Food" sections at the end of each chapter are intended to drive the kids to the Bible to figure the stuff out for themselves. Connor, of course, just skimmed over that part.
What I'd like to do is to slow it down and maybe read a chapter aloud to my teen and near-teen once a week, and really dig into the Brain Food questions. Those seem to me to take this book from a quick, fun read to something lots deeper.
Enter 8/8 - 8/18!
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To read other opinions of this book, go check the LitFuse blog tour page!
Disclaimer: I received this book through LitFuse. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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