Some of the best, according to voting by the Crew, are listed here. I'm linking to the Crew post for each, where you can go to check out all of the reviews.
My kids are all getting older, so many of these categories no longer apply. Some of our favorites this year, though, included Doctor Aviation, which has resulted in high school credit for my two oldest, the aviation badge for AHG for my youngest, and a whole lot of excitement on the part of Richard.
Another favorite was Drive Thru History, which I thought was going to walk away with about a quarter of the awards below. They were very close in a few other categories, besides the four Blue Ribbons they won. I didn't write up a review, but I tell you, this was my choice for all-around favorite -- and two of my teens voted for it for Teens' Choice.
Creating a Masterpiece is another I didn't write a review for, but it has changed lives in this house. I am going to be posting about some things we have done with that program. I was excited to see it win Favorite Fine Arts Curriculum!
Innovators Tribe was another fabulous product this year, and we reviewed Thinking Like an Architect. This has been another great way to get some science credits on my teens' transcripts.
Other fantastic products were part of this year too, such as the newest Illuminating Literature program from Writing with Sharon Watson. We're still using the first volume, and my senior didn't want to change gears. I read through a lot of the material though, and Characters in Crisis is every bit as wonderful as When Worlds Collide.
I could go on and talk about Let's Go Geography, High School Essay Intensive, Rush Revere, Bessie's Pillow, Memoria Press, and on and on. Instead, I'll just give you a list of all of the winners, with links to the Crew post (go read reviews there!!) and to my reviews if I didn't link them above!
Favorite Reading Curriculum - Reading Eggs
Favorite Writing Curriculum - Writing with Sharon Watson
Favorite Grammar Program - Eclectic Foundations - my review of Level B
Favorite Penmanship Program - Channie's Visual Handwriting & Math Worksheets
Favorite Literature Curriculum - Hewitt Homeschooling - my review of Lightning Literature Grade 7
Favorite Writing Curriculum - Writing with Sharon Watson
Favorite Grammar Program - Eclectic Foundations - my review of Level B
Favorite Penmanship Program - Channie's Visual Handwriting & Math Worksheets
Favorite Literature Curriculum - Hewitt Homeschooling - my review of Lightning Literature Grade 7
Favorite Social Studies Curriculum - Let's Go Geography
Favorite History Supplement - Rush Revere
Favorite Science Curriculum - Innovators Tribe
Favorite Math Curriculum - CTC Math
Favorite Math Supplement - Times Tables the Fun Way
Favorite History Supplement - Rush Revere
Favorite Science Curriculum - Innovators Tribe
Favorite Math Curriculum - CTC Math
Favorite Math Supplement - Times Tables the Fun Way
Favorite Foreign Language Curriculum - Memoria Press (Latin)
Favorite Fine Arts Curriculum - Creating a Masterpiece
Favorite Elective Curriculum - Doctor Aviation
Favorite Christian Education Curriculum - Drive Thru History
Favorite Christian Education Supplement - Brinkman Adventures
Favorite Fine Arts Curriculum - Creating a Masterpiece
Favorite Elective Curriculum - Doctor Aviation
Favorite Christian Education Curriculum - Drive Thru History
Favorite Christian Education Supplement - Brinkman Adventures
Favorite Preschool Product - Reading Eggs
Favorite Elementary Product - Susan K. Marlow
Favorite Middle School Product - Innovators Tribe
Favorite High School Product - Doctor Aviation
Favorite College or College-Prep Product - Institute for Excellence in Writing: High School Essay Intensive
Favorite Parent Product - Everyday Homemaking
Favorite Elementary Product - Susan K. Marlow
Favorite Middle School Product - Innovators Tribe
Favorite High School Product - Doctor Aviation
Favorite College or College-Prep Product - Institute for Excellence in Writing: High School Essay Intensive
Favorite Parent Product - Everyday Homemaking
The Resource I Didn't Know I Needed - Innovators Tribe
Favorite Planning Product - Only Passionate Curiosity
Best Online Resource - Reading Eggs
Best e-Product - Home School in the Woods
Favorite Book or Novel - Rush Revere
Favorite Audiobook or Audio Drama - Heirloom Audio Productions: Captain Bayley's Heir
Best Product Just for Fun! - Drive Thru History
Favorite Planning Product - Only Passionate Curiosity
Best Online Resource - Reading Eggs
Best e-Product - Home School in the Woods
Favorite Book or Novel - Rush Revere
Favorite Audiobook or Audio Drama - Heirloom Audio Productions: Captain Bayley's Heir
Best Product Just for Fun! - Drive Thru History
Kids' Choice - The Pencil Grip: Thin Stix
Teens' Choice - Drive Thru History
All Around Crew Favorite - Drive Thru History
Teens' Choice - Drive Thru History
All Around Crew Favorite - Drive Thru History
It's been an honor to work with all of the great 2017 vendors, and I am looking forward to another fantastic Crew Year!
It's so good seeing everyone's favourites
Thanks for voting in Writing with Sharon Watson again this year! You win my Blue Ribbon for Best Bloggers to Work With!
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