I spent Friday in the car away from my kids, stressing out. I spent Saturday mostly in the car with my kids, stressing out. I spent Sunday taking William to Boy Scout camp. And he has been there since. So... the list is SHORT this week.
I read aloud from the Astronomy Merit Badge book. To William. Have I ever mentioned that astronomy is one aspect of science that I just don't care for?
Plans for this coming week? Yeah, right. I don't know.
How did your week go? Couldn't be much worse than mine. Sign the linky and I'll definitely come visit your post. Love having you here...
To see my first post when this turned into a linky thing, check here.
Now that we started school again I'm finally going to start linking up. :)
Yay!! :)
Hi! I'm on the crew with you....I am so glad I found you (through Our Homeschool Reviews)....I'll try to write up a post in the am....and link it if the link is still open....how long do you leave it open? Great to find your blog...can't wait to get to know you better!
Hi Rebecca! Nice to meet you!
Theoretically, I leave this up about a week. In reality, I've kind of forgotten to close the last few. :)
Most people post between Thursday and Sunday. I love having people post because it keeps me accountable. I was failing pretty miserably and I think reading aloud is so important...
So glad that I found your blog through Our Homeschool Reviews. When things get busy around here reading aloud is usually the first thing to go. I will have to start linking up for that accountability.
Oh, Jess... this is *exactly* why I started blogging about this, and it turned into a linky...
Things would get crazy, and the first thing I'd stop doing was reading aloud. And that runs exactly opposite of what I claim to value.
This week was bad... but otherwise, knowing people are expecting me to post this has made a world of difference...
I truly look forward to hearing from you now too!!
As always, Debra, thanks for being honest with your reports. Sometimes you even make my reports look good. ;) Just kidding, of course! :) Seriously, I hope next week's read-aloud report is productive and exciting! :)
Oh, my, Michelle. Just where is that sticking out my tongue smiley when I need it?
Thanks for hosting this Challenge. I think I am going to like the accountability of knowing I have to post about how I did.
Jill! Thanks for joining in!! I am so grateful for everyone who posts on this. You keep me going.
Hey Debra...just so you know, I initially forgot to post the link to your blog. BUT I did go back and add it...I just don't know if it was up when you posted your comment...I was probably adding it at the exact time you posted, lol. Sorry for the oversight, I wouldn't want to be rude :)
Marie -- LOL -- if there wasn't a link, *I* didn't notice! And wow, I've done that once or twice. Finish something, look at it, and think DUH!!! Listing the product name would have been a good idea...
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