Sunday, October 2, 2011

Bountiful Baskets for October 1

I was so depressed about missing Bountiful Baskets this week, that I ended up altering my schedule, planning to buy ice, and going anyway.  So glad I did.

First off, I got the fantastic news that the site in Falcon is set to start next time... October 15.  Of course, *I* won't be there. <sob>  I'll be attending a wedding in Minnesota.  But how exciting that there is going to be a location nearer to me!  The one down in Fountain is set to open next time too, and that one is actually also closer.

I volunteered again.  This time, I mostly flattened boxes, and I really didn't get a good chance to see what was in the baskets.

Anyway, this time, I only got 1 regular basket and TWO of the fruit boxes.

They are great.  I'm so excited.  The new fruit boxes are perfect... I end up with enough fruit in my house for my kids, oh, just love them.

So... what we got:

The veggies in my regular basket:

  • 1 bunch celery
  • 1 head iceberg lettuce
  • 6 ears of corn
  • 3 red bell peppers
  • 3 green bell peppers
  • 4 beautiful tomatoes

The fruit in my regular basket:
  • 2 cantaloupe (one was from volunteering)
  • 7 bananas (that are about perfect for eating now)
  • 5 ripe pears (that needed to be eaten immediately after getting this photo)
  • 7 kiwi (that will need to ripen)
  • 1 package Concord grapes
  • a whole lotta lemons
My fruit box (remember, I got two, so this is just ONE of them):

Each contained:
  • a good sized package of grapes
  • 4 bananas
  • 2 grapefruit (and I am very excited about that!)
  • 4 pears
  • 3 nectarines
  • 3 oranges
  • 3 Asian pears
  • 6 apples (3 each, Ging Gold and Golden Delicious, according to the box)

  • The corn will be used at dinner either tonight or Tuesday.  Six ears means a full ear for everyone in double digits (10 and up) and a half for the two below that.
  • Celery will just get used.  We were down to a couple of stalks, so the timing is perfect.
  • The lettuce will just get used.  Maybe a salad.  Maybe in sandwiches.  We'll see.  One head of lettuce isn't something I have to make special plans for, you know?
  • The tomatoes and probably two of the bell peppers are joining some other stuff I have from last week at the CSA and becoming salsa.
  • The remaining bell peppers I am going to blanch and freeze.
  • Most of the fruit is just going to be eaten.  I'm thrilled that some isn't quite ripe, so we ought to be able to spread it out some.
  • Grapefruit is going to be my breakfast for the next week.
  • One of the bags of grapes is going to be washed and put in the freezer.  Or maybe both.   Mmmm.  Love those itty bitty frozen popsicles.  
  • Dale wants me to pull out the dehydrator... so I'm going to play with dehydrating some of the fruit.
I need to figure out something to do with the lemons.  We can use 3-4 of them without making plans, but seven or eight?  That is the only thing this time that I will really need to work at using.


Unknown said...

How about making some lemonade? We like to add a couple of real lemons to the lemonade KoolAid pack to give the flavor a kick, but you can also just make it straight from fresh....

Amy B

Our Homeschool Reviews said...

Wow, that is a ton of food. You could always use some lemon zest in some muffin recipe.

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

Bountiful Baskets sounds wonderful Wish we could do that here in Carthage MO.

Laura Lane of
the Crew

A Dusty Frame said...

I've been doing some dehydrating--pretty fun!

Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads said...

Oh yum! I haven't ordered since they started doing the new fruit baskets and what not, so I'm thrilled to be able to see the contents. I'm off to see if our close site is open this week 'cause I may need to order. ;)