Saturday, October 20, 2012

Bountiful Baskets - October 20

Bountiful Baskets time again! I'm loving this every week bit.

So, today the truck was QUITE delayed.  As in, it showed up about the time our distribution was supposed to be over (so about 1:20 late)

That meant a lot of hanging around.  Richard went with me today to volunteer, and he was getting a bit tired of doing nothing.

Here is one of my two baskets:

Yummy, huh?  Between my TWO baskets, I had the following:
  • Three butternut squash
  • Two heads of romaine lettuce
  • Three bunches kale
  • Eight onions
  • Two bags of grapes
  • Two pineapples
  • Six Asian pears
  • Four pomegranates
  • Ten bananas
For volunteering, I chose an extra squash, and Richard chose two bananas.

  • Bananas, Asian pears, and grapes will just be eaten during the week
  • Pomegranates will be paired with some of my Granny Smith apples from last week to make Pomegranate-Apple Crisp.  I'll freeze some of the filling for that too.  Actually, my teens will.  They do a great job with this recipe.
  • Pineapple, well, we've still got most of the pineapple from two weeks ago (and last basket) and that is just getting ripe.  I'm going to be freezing a LOT of pineapple
  • Onions just get used.  Don't really need to make plans.
  • Lettuce -- oy.  We keep trying to get ahead of all the lettuce coming into the house.  Salads.  Lots of them.
  • The kale will be dried.  I crumble it up and add it to all kinds of things -- scrambled eggs, soups, casserole, spaghetti sauce, etc.  I love getting kale now.
  • Squash -- we've got four meals worth of that now.  We'll probably spread that over the next 4-5 weeks.
Unless anyone has other ideas for me!


Diane Allen said...


You can make a great pie with that butter-nut squash. It is a little like pumpkin, only lighter. I use the same recipe for pumpkin, only minus the cloves.

Cristi said...

After seeing all of your yummy posts, I finally have my act together. The closest Boutiful Baskets to me is only every other week so I'll be placing my first order next week.

Thanks for sharing the yummy idea for pomegranates. I have a bunch that I harvested from a friend's tree last weekend.