The second verse and chorus of the song...
I somehow overlooked my bed.
It seems my dog is underfed.
Forgot to change my underclothes.
Watched one too many TV shows.
I had some trouble sharing toys.
And during rest time made some noise.
The walls are not for coloring
Sometimes I'm off-key when I sing.
And so, it's good to know,
How much You love me.
It's true. The Bible says You do.
You really love me.
Your love was with me all throughout my day.
In my bed so quietly
I rest in knowing -- God loves me.
Sniff. Sniff. If you have never seen this song, you really need to. It is the one redeeming feature of The Wonderful World of Auto-tainment
I was thinking I ought to change it. There is a reason I'm not a lyricist, but I think this still works:
I somehow overlooked my bed.
It seems my kids feel underfed.
Forgot to wash that load of clothes.
Read one too many new blog posts.
I had some trouble - tripped on toys
So during school snapped at my boys.
The meals work best with some planning
But I'm just sick of all these things.
And so, it's good to know,
How much You love me.
It's true. The Bible says You do.
You really love me.
Your love was with me all throughout my day.
In my bed so quietly
I rest in knowing -- God loves me.
(This post contains Amazon affiliate links) And I don't know what I messed up with formatting. Sorry!
I do hate Autotainement the movie, but I have to admit I like a couple of the other songs, like the one Archibald does in the library (is that autotainment?) and the one about the Erie Canal (mostly because we lived one mile from it for four years...).
This one is by far the best though!
You know, that is the one VT video we have gotten rid of, now that you mention it! But we happen to have that Junior bedtime CD, so I could sing that song to myself as soon as you brought it up. Thanks for bringing me a smile tonight. I can relate to your own version of that song! ;)
Amy -- those would be the three songs on that video that I like :)
Michelle -- glad I could make you smile! We had gotten rid of Autotainment too, but then we got the silly song 4-pack thing on Swap-a-DVD. So we own it again. I try to be out of the house when it plays. Though, the phrase "It's funny because it is random" gets used often in our household. Usually referring to the nonsensical jokes made by the preschoolers.
I don't know the song (NOT a Veggie Tales fan - though I have seen some years ago, and did find the songs funny and catchy...). But I can appreciate the lyrics of the original, and especially your re-mix!
It is a great song... I think it may be my very favorite Veggie Tales song ever. And yes, we are Veggie fans. I will look and see if somewhere I can find it online.
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