- All About Spelling has been going great. We're about to start a new book, which means I'll need the next group of tiles. I put magnets on them... and put them... uhh, where? I have no idea. I cannot find them. :(
- I need new glasses. Insurance will pay for new frames as of 4/6. I decided to wait. I think that was the wrong decision, as everything just seems out of focus lately, and I easily get headaches.
- I'm not exactly sure how I did it, but this morning I ripped the toenail off my baby toe. It hurts.
- I really don't want to go to scouts tonight. Driving at night has been getting really difficult. Yet another reason I ought to just break down and get those glasses now.
- I'm sick of dirty dishes. I want a working dishwasher again. Sigh.
- I have about a dozen books started, and I just can't read for more than a few minutes at a time.
On the other hand:
- I'm getting a 2x3 foot magnetic whiteboard for my birthday. So my All About Spelling Tiles will fit in one place, the way they are supposed to, and I'll get my other whiteboard back for other stuff.
- We have insurance. We have pretty good insurance.
- Other than my toe, I am pretty healthy. And no kids have thrown up on me in a few days.
- My kids are getting so much out of scouts, and we have such wonderful scoutmasters and den leaders. It's worth driving at night.
- I have dishes. I have living (but slow) dish-washers. We have food, so we end up with dirty dishes, and I truly am grateful for that.
- Maybe I can hide in a corner somewhere and read while the kids are at scouts tonight. Or maybe I'll take a nap...
So, did you take a nap or read?
I've been having trouble reading lately too, which is so NOT me. I'm thinking I need to put the book I'm attempting down for awhile and try something else. Hope today is a better day for you, my friend!
I have definitely had days like that. I love that you are able to count your blessings, even when you are feeling "yucky". Hopefully tomorrow will bring a brighter day!
Nikki -- well, first I went and got gas. Then I read. :)
Heidi & Heidi -- just writing this up improved my mood. It's way too easy to dwell on the negative. I needed to see the positive again. So, yeah, even Monday got better, and yesterday as well.
Hi Debra...this is OT but I have a question about blogging. Your blog seems very active so I thought I'd ask you. I'm hoping to be included on the TOS Homeschool Crew for 2010 and I'm trying to decide where to post my reviews (should I be asked to join *fingers*crossed*). I currently have a blog on homeschoolblogger but I noticed alot of hsers here at blogspot. My reason for staying at hsblogger is because of the hs community. Is it easy to find other hs-ers here as well? You don't seem to be lacking any friends ;-) Thanks for any input you can offer.
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