Because anyone who knows me knows that I desperately need to do this...
Anyone else game? The ebook is only $5... so it isn't expensive to join in.
Watch for me to post late in the week. Probably Fridays. And you have permission to yell at me if I don't.
Check this post for details as to how this will work. It will be longer than the month of May, because we'll take weekends off (YAY!) And apparently there is some sort of deal on the ebook... I already had mine though.
How much time per day is this suppose to take? I have a huge paper to write for school....however after the broken water pipe, and sewage leak in the basement, we need some motivation to get stuff cleaned up here.
BTW I now need to find half the stuff I was going to send you :-)
I think I'm joining in. May as incredibly busy month for me so I don't know how well I'll keep up but I can't stand my house right now. I just purchased the e-book. I would NOT even consider joining in if it were not for the Nook!
Yay, Tess!
Jen-- okay, I'm going to amend my post a bit, to include a bit more info. Basically, the challenge is to do a "day" each day, Monday through Friday, and to check in somewhere around Friday.
It will take more than just May that way -- but I think taking the weekends off will be a tremendous plus. And, of course, you could alter which two days you take off if you would be better off taking a couple days off during the week...
Most "days" are 1-2 pages in the ebook (there are a couple that are longer) so you can read it in no more than 10 minutes. But then there is a challenge. This would be the time-consuming part... but you would get out of it what you put in... so you could play that by ear. Do just a little when that is what you can give, go in depth when it is something more important to you or when you have time.
For today, it is a matter of reading the introduction and being ready to go. :)
I got my copy yesterday. Gotta read the introduction in a little bit.
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