Friday, August 19, 2011

Just call me Suzie Homemaker here

I know, some people seem to think I've actually got it all together.  I'm a homeschooler, right, so the stereotype goes that my kids are brilliant and well-behaved, we grow our own food and grind our own grain, and there is a long list of things we simply never do.

Well, this week, I feel like we're living up to exactly none of those expectations.  My house is a mess, as always, and I've been fighting to get the kids to get much of anything done for school (yeah, we "really" started up this week again).

And of course, I'm providing my kids with healthy, natural, wonderful cooked from scratch meals...  or not.

I did cook last night.  Healthy, natural and from scratch?  Not hardly.

So my made up on the spot recipe:
Take 2 boxes of mac and cheese.  Cook the noodles, dump the sauce and the required butter and milk into a skillet.  Add 1 can (tuna sized) of ham.  Stare at that awhile.

Decide you could use some veggies, so chop up two tomatoes, and grab a handful of stuff you sauted once upon a time (celery, onions and carrots).  Stare at it some more.

By this time, the noodles are done, so drain and add them.  Stir, over medium heat, until you realize you simply are not coming up with anything else to add in at the moment.

Serve with bread.  Bought from a store, of course, as that is pretty much all I ever serve.

My family said it was delicious and I need to make it again.


Kristenph said...

I understand what you mean about feeling like I don't fit the healthy cooking, grind your own grain, grow your own food, milk your own cow, weave your own fabric to sew your own clothes homeschool stereo-type.

A Thoughtful Spot said...

OH, we all have those days. Some of us have those days more then others...

I think we have been having throw-together suppers so much since we moved that I may have forgotten how to cook. If indeed I ever knew...

Kym said...

That sounds like my house almost every week! LOL Thanks for keepin' it real. ;-)

Lauren in GA said...

Love it, Debra!

Our Peculiar Lives said...

hehe, well, I do almost the same recipie, but without the cheese. I add cream of mushroom soup instead. . . ;) and ground turkey instead of canned ham. But that's it. Mom's emergency meal, lol! ;) I thought I was following you already, but apparently wasn't, I am now! Have a great weekend!

Michelle Smith said...

Yup, it happens here, too. Last night my husband made dinner for me. Venison loin, mashed potatoes (from instant, which we usually don't have in the pantry), and green beans from the freezer. It was really good, except he used 1/2 a seasoning jar up and then another 1/2 a new one. We were alternately either scraping off extra spices or drinking water or milk after every bite of the meat. It was really good, though. :)

Catherine said...

And this is why I love to read your blog.

My kids will eat a total of about 4 things. Anything else is a waste of time and money. They have crushed my inner June Cleaver. (They will eat almost anything I bake, so that's something... )

I'm saying hi from the blog hop. "Hi!"

Jennifer said...

Sounds like one of the most requested lunches at our house- Mommie's creation, noodle surprise, it has many versions. It surprises me still how well the kids eat almost any veggie when it is chopped up tiny, mixed with noodles, and covered with cheese.

Cristi said...

The next time my kids complain about the meals around here, I'll read them this post and show them that they're not the only ones suffering without gourmet cooking.

Nikki said...

My kids would all be happy with that meal too!

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

You are simply too cute. Loved how you wrote out the recipe. Loved that your family loved it. I cook that way, too sometimes. It's what I call Whatchagot cooking!

God bless you with creativity and energy!

Laura Lane
TOS Crew and
Follower of Jesus Christ

Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage said...

P.S. Sorry to say, I do grind my own grain. ~grin~ I do have white flour and white sugar in my kitchen. So, can we still be friends?

Smiling big!

Jesus Follower

Debra said...

Of course, we can be friends, Laura! LOL...

I have been known to grind some grain... but it is in pretty small quantities (in my coffee grinder).

And I ought to post about my weekend... canning central here. :) Bunches of pickles, and four pints of HOT salsa...

Now if I *grew* some of the produce that went into any of that, then I'd be impressed with me...

I'm thrilled to hear I'm not the only person cooking using boxed stuff. When I posted this, I was feeling pretty alone... one too main grain-growing and -grinding homeschool mama blog posts in a row, I guess!