So I am going to start posting every Monday about it. Every Monday.
Because I have to make sure I am giving them the time they need to do these things. And if I plan to be blogging weekly, well, I'll have to give them that time.
So what will I blog about?
- Connor, William and Thomas are all working on Merit Badges for Boy Scouts (hence the post name), particularly Eagle-required ones. So many of my posts are going to be about those.
- Connor, William, and Thomas are all close to advancement, so I might post about some new ranks.
- Richard is working in Cub Scouts towards his Webelos Badge. Lots of great stuff there.
- Trina is working on badges for American Heritage Girls. Some of those are really a lot of fun. So there is a very good chance I'll post about some of that.
Thomas thought that the Cooking merit badge was his absolute favorite from camp. It was two merit badge sessions long and in air conditioning. Plus it was fun.
William completed Cinematography and really enjoyed that. That one took up three sessions (so half of his merit badge slots) and he had the chance to learn a bit about 'fighting' on camera, and the best part was that he got to die a couple of times, in a couple of different roles.
They earned lots of other great badges too, but those were definitely the favorites.
I already know what I can post about next week, but I'm going to have to let them get busy so I can continue after that...
Would you consider making this a weekly link-up? I have Boy Scout stuff to post about, but I haven't made the time to do it. It would also help me remember to nudge Brennan a little so that his great intentions turn into merit badges.
I could do that...
I'll probably do what I just changed my Reading Aloud one to... where I use the same linky stuff for a month.
*I* get depressed when there is only one other link in a week (you know, cuz I don't promote it at all... I don't have time...)
But hey, I can add a link. :)
Once a month would be great. I'm embarrassed to say that I hadn't noticed on the Reading Aloud b/c I've been slacking off during the summer. I've read some to one child, but I haven't even blogged about that.
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