Today, I am doing two giveaways. So in your mandatory comment, tell me which you are interested in winning. Both is acceptable too.
Hey Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek is a program I used to teach my oldest children the Greek alphabet. I intended to continue with it, but it just never worked out beyond Level 1. I sold some pieces that I had purchased at a used curriculum sale, but I still have two books around my house.
Hey Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek Level 2: Student Book
Hey Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek Level 3: Full Answer Key
These are the old style books, so comb-bound with solid color covers. However, the contents are the same as the versions currently being sold. Level 2 is meant for a student who has completed Level 1, or a second grader who is new to the program. Level 3 is meant for a student who has completed Level 2, or a student in third grade or above who is new to the program. I, however, would probably start a third grader in Level 2, and start Level 3 with a student in 4th grade or above.
If you want to know more about the program before entering the giveaway, the TOS Homeschool Crew will be reviewing products from Greek N Stuff on Friday. I'll be reviewing Latin's Not So Tough, but other crew members will be talking about Hey Andrew. On Friday, you can check the Crew Blog for details. (This link won't work until Friday though, as the post hasn't been published yet)
To enter:
This giveaway is now closed. Winners were announced. Thanks for reading!
Giveaway ends on May 1st, at midnight Mountain Time. I will use random.org to choose a winner. I will email the winner, assuming I can find contact information, and if I do not receive a response within 24 hours, I reserve the right to draw a new winner.
I have a tough time getting to a post office, so it will probably be Saturday, May 7 when I ship by media mail. I am willing to ship outside of the US if you are willing to split the postage with me.
I would love to have the Level 2 material. My husband is starting seminary school and it would be fun for the kids to learn Greek along with him! Thanks for the chance to win
bamagv at aol dot com
I need to buy the 2 student book for my 8 yr old. I'd love to trade you for something!
You can enter me for the second book too. :)
I'd love to win the Level 2 book - I've been eyeing this curriculum for quite a while.
I follow you via GFC.
I would love this
Hey there! I am a Crewbie too. Would love to continue our Greek studies with Hey Andrew Level 2.
(deleted previous post to add email addy)
dawnchandler [at] gmail
I can't believe I wasn't following you before now, but I am now! :) Still interested in Level 2.
(deleted previous post to add email addy)
dawnchandler [at] gmail
I am interested in both of these. I'm still on the fence as to whether or not we will be studying Greek again next year, but if I should win this set, I'll take it as confirmation that we should! ;)
ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com
I follow via Google Friend.
I follow via Networked Blogs too.
ajandmichelle AT juno DOT com
I linked up two curriculum giveaways on my blog. Pandia Press Ancient History and MUS Algebra I.
I follow you with GFC. :)
I also added a giveaway to my blog for the Curriculum Clean-Out.
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