This is hard. Really, I feel like I am in my dream job right now. Time spent with my kids, a chance to learn all kinds of stuff I never found the time to learn before, the opportunity to blog about cool stuff I'm doing with the kids, and really, the major job stress tends to be things I'd be stressed about regardless of how my kids were being schooled.
If I had never had kids, what would I be doing now? Well, I had started working on my MBA, which (fortunately) I stopped when I found out I was pregnant with Connor. I ended up doing 14 weeks of bedrest, and four weeks of NICU... MBA courses would have been impossible!
So I'm sure I would have pursued that, and would be doing who knows what with that degree. I'd like to think I would have ended up working at one of the million Christian ministries in town. But I don't know. If not that, my dream was to be doing something to be essentially a consultant for small to medium sized businesses, to help them think through their decisions, or to help them set up reporting systems.
Somehow, though, none of that really holds a lot of appeal to me now. I was miserable in accounting, except when I was working with small business owners.
Now, I think that my dream job would involve something with either one of the food shelf types of agencies in town... or better yet, one out on the plains serving the rural population. I'd love to be doing something to help the people around me out here in ranchland to be more self-sufficient, to have access to emergency food, to winter coats for their kids, to have the ability to learn about growing their own food or creating alternate sources of income. Of course, I'd have to figure out gardening in this land of zero shade before I could try to help anyone else! I suppose I could work on that now, with the idea of doing this someday...
Or maybe my current dream job would involve working with struggling readers and giving them one-on-one help, without having to drive to town. Something that could help them to make progress without making their parents make the tough choices. Driving to town for tutoring is expensive. It would be amazing to have some kind of tutoring available in rural areas.
Maybe when the kids are just another year or two older, I can get serious about one or the other of the above dreams...
Go check the Crew blog on Tuesday to see how other crew members answered this question.
I tutor! It's a wonderful way to share my love for teaching and learning with children other than my own. Pray about that one! It's been a wonderful blessing to me. Thanks for sharing your dreams and what God has done in your heart and life.
This was a tough question. But it has been fun reading what everyone has said. I too feel like I'm living my dream job/s...all rolled into one setting. Can't beat that right now :)
Tutoring is a definite need and if you feel you can fulfill it, I encourage you to pray and listen to His timing and will for you. My husband LOVES to tutor. His one-on-one experiences are so much better then when he teaches his classes. Too bad, where we live, tutoring can not be a "job" that fulfills what a family needs. ;) Otherwise, my hubby would be pursuing his dream job too.
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