The illustrations were phenomenal, and the story was enjoyable. So when the opportunity came up to review another Gabby book, I had to go for it. Gabby's Stick-to-It Day: A Story About Never Giving Up was even better than the first one.
I was delighted when the book showed up a couple days before Trina's sixth birthday. I should have been getting photos -- when she opened the package containing this book she squealed, hugged it, and sort of danced around the room. She was just a bit excited about this present.
From the Publisher:
Gabby is a little guardian angel with a big job to do! Watching over Sophie is hard work, but Gabby knows that God wants her to stick to it.What I love about this book is that Sheila Walsh takes a pretty common kid experience (quitting something when it gets too hard) and she gives me language I can use when Trina is having trouble 'sticking to it' in her life too. And not just Trina, either, as a couple of her big brothers manage to slip into the room to listen to the story too. It is a little too "girly" looking for them to readily admit that they are interested in the story, but I think at ages 4-6, they would have done great with it directly.
Gabby, God’s Little Angel, flies to the rescue as Sophie attempts to help others but has a little trouble sticking with things. Sophie tries to be helpful by washing the family dog for her mom, but she gives up when she’s the one who ends up all wet. She then tries to be kind by reading to her little brother, but he has plans of his own, which include a splash of cereal right in Sophie’s face! When Sophie is ready to quit once again, it’s up to Gabby to encourage her to keep trying and to teach her what the Bible says about perseverance: “We must not become tired of doing good. We will receive our harvest of eternal life at the right time if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NCV)
I'd love to see a book that features one of the other little angels, like Raoul, with his earthly charge. Something that would appeal to boys as well as girls.
This isn't a book that would be easy for an early reader, as it has fairly complex vocabulary. It does, however, make a delightful story for reading aloud.
We will watch for more Gabby stories.
Gabby's back ... and she's brought a Kindle Fire Giveaway with her!
Meet Gabby for yourself here. || Read what people are saying here.
Enter today - Sheila and her publisher, Thomas Nelson, have put together a prize package worth over $200!

One lucky winner will receive:
- A brand new KINDLE Fire with Wi-Fi
- Gabby, God’s Little Angel
- Gabby's Stick-to-It-Day
The winner will be announced on the Gabby Landing page on 4/2/12. In the meantime, enter to win the Kindle Fire then head over to the Tommy Nelson site and download the Gabby coloring sheets, watch Sheila's Gabby video, sign up for news about upcoming Gabby and Thomas Nelson products, and much more.
Disclaimer: I received this book through LitFuse Blog Tour. No other compensation was received. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.
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