Saturday, October 16, 2010

I've been tagged! A couple of times!

Okay, so both Michelle of A Life Better Than I Deserve and Elizabeth tagged me in the last couple weeks, and I've been horribly negligent in responding.  So here goes.  Today is the day.  I'm going to respond to both, and continue the tagging.  Hopefully I can figure out eight victi fellow bloggers...
  1. What type of gifts do you prefer to give?  Do you prefer home-made, gift certificates, store-bought, etc? I don't know.  It depends on who I'm giving things to, and where we are at the moment.  And where they are. 
  2. What type of gifts do you prefer to receive? I don't have a good answer to this one either.  I prefer gifts that have been thought about.  Sometimes that means home-made.  In many cases, there is a great store-bought gift that means something.  And sometimes, a gift card really says "I care."  There isn't one good answer.
  3. Do you stock a gift closet, or box, and purchase gifts throughout the year? Sometimes.  I used to be really good at this.  There are times I find a phenomenal bargain and stock a couple general all-purpose gifts.  
  4. What is your favorite type of music?  Do you have one?  I love classical.  I love great instrumental stuff.  I love hymns and good old-fashioned gospel music.  I like a lot of other stuff too.
  5. Do you like chick-flicks, or not? I don't know.  Some of them.  I like family friendly movies.
  6. Do you have a hobby?  Do you make time for it regularly?  Sleeping.  Sleeping is my hobby.  Okay, seriously, I read.  I love needlework, but I do not make the time for it any more.
  7. What is your favorite thing about where you live?  Every place has its pros and cons.  What are the “pros” about where you live?  I love that our closest neighbors are cattle.  I love that the kids have lots of room to run outside.  I love that I can look out my kitchen window and not see another house.  I love that I can look out my kitchen window and see Pikes Peak.
  8. What is your favorite kids cartoon movie? Oh, wow.  Kids cartoon movie.  The Incredibles.  I think it would have to be. Just don't ask me to come up with my favorite line. 
  9. How did you decide to Homeschool?  Dale heard a local radio show talking about homeschooling, long before we had kids.  He made the decision.  I thought he was crazy.
  10. What is something about you most people would be surprised to know?  Um, yeah.  Let's see, how about something I'm willing to post about.  Ummm, I once spent a weekend in Warsaw?
  11. What is your favorite praise and worship song?  Awesome God, by Rich Mullins.  Or nearly anything else he wrote.
  12. If you had no children and homeschooling wasn't necessary, what would your dream job be?  These get harder and harder, don't they?  I would have been able to answer this a dozen years ago.  Right now?  I don't know.  I think maybe my dream job would involve literacy for older children (ages 10-16 maybe?)  Not that I think I'd be great at the actual teaching (I'm a pretty dismal failure with my own struggling readers) but maybe I could be recruiting, or fundraising, or generally raising public awareness.
  13. What book(s) are you currently reading?  How long do you have?  The Grace of God by Andy Stanley.  The Reading Remedy by Marion Blank.  Secrets of the Sixth Edition by Randall Hedtke.  Current audiobooks:  Physical Science by Jay Wile.  America: The Last Best Hope, Volume 2 by William Bennett.  Arguing With Idiots by Glenn Beck.  To the kids:  I, Juan de Pareja by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino.  Kingdom's Dawn by Chuck Black.  Betsy Tacy by Maud Hart Lovelace.  For You They Signed by Marilyn Boyer.  I'm probably forgetting something.  I left off books that are strictly schoolbooks for the kids.
  14. How has Jesus changed you?  I'm definitely a work in progress.  I don't even know where to begin. 
  15. How would you like to be remembered by your children?  As a fun mom who clearly loved and served God, tried to do what was right, and who absolutely, positively believed in them and loved them beyond anything they will understand before they become parents themselves.
  16. How will your children likely remember you?  Bleary-eyed, reaching for the coffee, and failing more often than succeeding.
Okay, now I have to tag eight other bloggers.  And I'm supposed to give you eight questions to answer.  I'm taking the easy way out, and you can choose whichever 8 of the above questions you want to use.  Or give me a recipe for Great Northern Beans!  (Some of you did that already!)

Don't feel like you have to post, this is supposed to be fun!  If you do, please comment here and give the link.  If you don't, feel free to comment as well.  I'll start with my Mini-Crew!  And I'll try to be reasonably eclectic from there.  <grin>
  1. Julie at Simple Thoughts
  2. Deanna at Deanna's Corner
  3. Heather at Special Needs Homeschooling
  4. Tess at Circling Through This Life
  5. Jen at Musings of Middle Age
  6. Cristi at Through the Calm and Through the Storm
  7. Deb at Not Inadequate
  8. Ruth at My Devotional Thoughts


Elizabeth said...

Hey Debra,

I enjoyed reading all the answers : )

Ruth said...

Here is mine: