It's been forever, and I really miss posting about what is going on in my little corner of the scouting universe. Let's take the kids from big to little here.
Connor -- is now a patrol leader. I'm trying not to hate that. I think he might discover he is pretty good at it, which does actually kind of surprise me. He has been trying to organize patrol activities that fit what the kids need... so they went swimming in August, and met with a state senator this past week to discuss constitutional rights and obligations.
Was that ever a terrific session! Senator Keith King. I'm telling you, I wish I could move to his district so I could vote for him. He took an hour out of his incredibly busy schedule to meet with four boys, most aren't in his district (I think one is) and he was absolutely wonderful. He got them to think through the dilemma of how to vote on tax bills, for one thing. They talked about abortion, about schools, about voting in general... he was patient, and helpful, and encouraging. If he ever runs for a bigger office (where I will be in his district), I'm pretty sure my boys would become campaign volunteers in a heartbeat, and I'd be willing to put up yard signs and bumper stickers (never done that before.)
William -- the above paragraph applies to him too, as discussing constitutional rights/obligations was one of his remaining First Class requirements. He has a couple others to pull off here, but not many. We need to figure something out to get his BSA Swimmer test signed off. For whatever reason, nobody will sign off that he did it at summer camp. And when they got together to do swimming in August, that didn't end up being tested.
Thomas -- my Webelos. He & I are heading to a program happening at Bear Creek Regional Park today, where he can (pretty much) earn two activity badges. I don't know which two he is going to choose, but they will be offering Naturalist, Geologist, and Forester. I'm going to push him towards the latter two, as he already has a pretty solid start on Naturalist... another week, and he'll have been keeping a terrarium (complete with a tarantula) for a month, plus he has kept insects (to feed the tarantula, among other things) and more.
His den has had him busy working on Citizenship, among other things. I need to check to see if going along with the Boy Scouts to hear Senator King counts towards anything... I couldn't believe how nicely Thomas sat at that, up with the Boy Scouts, quiet and respectful.
Richard -- my Tiger. We got two new kids in the den last week, so there are five of them now. I think that is going to be a huge improvement! So far, they have mostly worked on earning their Bobcat badge, which should be awarded tomorrow night at the pack meeting. They also are working on some of the Tiger achievements, specifically the ones dealing with their family.
Other stuff in the works: Connor is planning to do an orienteering course (last requirement for his Orienteering merit badge) for one of the boys in his patrol so he can make First Class. Connor desperately needs another First Class scout in that patrol. The boys are going to have a very busy November... attending an archery merit badge thing the first weekend, a merit badge college the second weekend, a cooking/camping troop event the third weekend... and then it is Thanksgiving. How does that happen?
What's going on in your scouting universe? I'd love if you linked up any recent posts you've done! I keep thinking I need to turn this into a regular meme or something, but I'm not sure if anyone would participate... okay, I'll try it...
Thanks for all your synopses, Debra. It is always fun to see how your boys and growing and learning and working toward and earning those merit badges too! :)
My 2 biggest ones are camping at Camporee this weekend and last Sunday my husband was beaded for Wood Badge. I don't suppose you want me to link up this week's Wood Badge post? (The ceremony was last Sunday.) I won't have any photos to post if I write something up about my children's current camp-out! ;)
Debra ~ I love the idea of a Scout posting day with Mr. Linky to share! I linked up the Emergency Preparedness post I did last month for this time.
I need to check on a few things for my Wolf so his records are up to date. As for my Boy Scout, he needs a serious kick in the rear to get First Class DONE! He had almost all of it finished before we left Maryland, but the Scoutmaster forgot to sign off in his book. And, don't get me started on the few unfinished merit badges and summer camp issues......
I love to see kids who get involved with scouting, and better yet, the parents. You should be proud.
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