Here is what we've been reading this week. It hasn't been a whole lot.
Number the Stars. I love this book. We're nearly through it. This one is Connor's, but everyone is listening.
Mara, Daughter of the Nile. I'm actually succeeding in reading this to just William and Thomas. I love this book too. We still aren't very far into it.
And, I'm pretty sure, that covers it.
Plans for this coming week? Homer Price. Finishing the above.
How did your week go? Sign the linky to link up your reading aloud post and I'll definitely come visit your post. Love having you here... you motivate me when I feel like NOT reading aloud.
To see my first post when this turned into a linky thing, check here.
We are just started on the Golden Goblet. And, I am looking into getting Mara, Daughter of the Nile. We are finishing up our Egypt unit and I figured that would tie in well. What are your opinions of them?
Homer Price is on our list too! I hear that it is funny.
I bought Mara to read this year, and then changed my mind in favor of The Lord of the Rings for the big kids and Little House books for the little ones. You keep making me reconsider my choice when you keep bringing up Mara! ;)
I hope we both have more productive weeks next week. :)
I am skipping this week because with my family here visiting, we didn't get much reading done. And my blogging time is limited too. I'll be back after our family time is over! 8-)
I have given up on books that I started to read aloud again too. And I broke down and bought Johnny Tremain from I-Tunes when it was time to read it to Ben and Rebekah last year. I just couldn't face reading it again for the 3rd time.
Thanks for hosting again. I really enjoy it.
I was a little later than usual posting and a lot later than usual signing the link. Still reading though...
I love Mara... it is especially great as a read-aloud with boys. Because Mara does a fair amount of, hmmm, using her feminine wiles to get her way? Yeah, that's a good way to put it.
We end up in all kinds of discussions about not falling over for every pretty girl who winks at you.
Homer Price is very funny. Nice contrast to some of our other reading.
See you soon, Kym :) Family is definitely the right choice.
And Jill, I'm glad I'm not alone.
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