Have you checked out Brenda's gratitude challenge? There are some really great posts over there. Not that I've had time to do a lot of reading... go ahead though... click the button...
Today I am grateful for internet coupons. And bloggers like Carrie at Springs Bargains who make it possible to me to save some money on groceries without having to comb everything everywhere myself.
We don't get newspaper delivery out here anymore, so I really have a hard time doing traditional couponing. Internet coupons mean I can get things I simply could not otherwise do.
I headed shopping with Thomas today. I totally splurged with a $50 Cub Foods gift card... and I shopped at Albertsons. I bought STEAK. Lots of it. So I'm grateful for gift cards too, because even though this steak was a fabulous deal, I couldn't have done it otherwise. We also picked up toilet paper, paper towels, eggs and I don't remember what else.
King Soopers... Carrie's listing of what was a good deal made it possible for me to figure out a plan pretty quickly. The Buy 10 get $5 off promotion would be far too frustrating without her. I got very cheap Cream of Chicken/Mushroom soup, cheap margarine... juice for a certain nearly birthday boy, oatmeal, cereal, butter, and on and on... For about $30.
I don't know how I'd do it without the internet...
What are you grateful for today?
I am on again, off again with coupons. I know I can save a ton of money, but it just takes so much stinkin time.
Glad you got a good deal on steak!
We watched extreme couponers while vacationing, awe and almost disbelief. Sounds like you did great. I ran in Kroger for my Granny yesterday and did get a good deal on the cream of chicken and mushroom soups, but didn't purchase much else. I'll check out that site.
Sounds like you did great on grocery shopping today! I gave up on our paper delivery. The kids were supposed to help clip and organize the coupons. Don't ask how well that worked.
I do, however, still go to the Southern Savers site and make my list, print my coupons, cut them out and go to the grocery store most weeks. In less than an hour of planning and printing. I will say that I heavily supplement that with some good deals at Sam's Club, without which we'd be having a hard time making ends meet with our groceries.
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