I'm joining in a blog hop sponsored by CHEER for Colorado homeschooling bloggers. The theme for April is "A Day in the Life." I'll try to remember to post a link to the blog hop when it is up. So here goes (I'll try to link products, or my reviews of them):
I was up way too late last night. My darling 9 year old thought he'd do something special for me... so at about 9:00 last night, he started a pot of coffee and poured me a cup. I had to drink it.
Anyway, so that meant I got up a bit before 8:00. Connor (12) was already awake, fortunately, as he has an online Latin class at 8:20 through Lone Pine Classical. Trina (4) got up about then, and asked to do Time 4 Learning. She finished the Preschool Level 1 material this morning. Three weeks it took her. Richard (6) got up and started begging to go outside.
Got a phone call from Dale, and he has to be in Grand Junction next week, which is great for him -- he and another amazing store manager are heading there to get a whole bunch of stuff set up and straightened out. But that throws a huge wrench in our plans for next week. Connor is supposed to be going to Latin Convention. I was kind of counting on Dale being around. And I got an email about changing Pinewood Derby time, which would make it so that Thomas could attend. Here's hoping.
William (11) and Thomas (9) are still sleeping at 9:30. Thomas wasn't feeling well last night, so I suspect he'll stay in bed for quite awhile yet. Connor is done with class, so he's joining his brother and sister outside.
We ate really, really late. About 11:00. While eating, the kids listen to our daily podcasts -- Merriam Webster's Word of the Day, Podictionary, and Answers with Ken Ham. We also listed to a couple chapters of Famous Men of Greece from Librivox. While making breakfast, the kids took care of the dishes, and I had a conversation with Connor about what's up with Latin for next week.
After that, I had three kids get on to work on Let's Go Learn reading assessments. Richard was the only one to finish. Yeah, late 5th grade vocabulary. Surprise, surprise. Trina played with Imaginext toys. Connor worked on some Latin. Normally, he wouldn't have to do that, but between convention and the fact that he is behind, well, he has to do it daily for awhile. Richard headed off to play, and Trina worked on IXL math. She's identifying cubes, pyramids, circles, squares, rectangles and triangles. She has a tough time differentiating squares and rectangles. Thomas got busy with Mathletics.
Somewhere in there, breakfast dishes were washed, lunch was made, and I read aloud for awhile. The kids got back to some of their individual schoolwork, which included me spending time doing All About Spelling with them. Everyone headed outside to run for awhile. And then to play legos.
Everyone picked up the living room a bit, and settled down to listen to D'Aulaire's Greek Myths on tape while waiting for Dad to come home.
Basically, between not quite feeling well kids and a beautiful day outside, school was only done in bits and pieces today. Not exactly a typical homeschool day, but not totally atypical either. Hopefully, we'll be watching a bit of Drive Thru History: Greece is the Word tonight.
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