Friday, October 8, 2010

Great Books Week: Childhood Book

What Childhood Book Captured Your Imagination?

This is a challenging question for me.  While I read extensively as a child, I tended to read a lot of, well, twaddle.  I was never exposed to great books, or at least was only rarely exposed to them.  So... I'm trying to come up with an answer to this.  And I think I'm going to have to list a couple of things.
  • I read and re-read, and re-re-read the entire Little House on the Prairie series.  I wore Little House style dresses and bonnets to celebrate the bicentennial.  We visited DeSmet, SD and all the Laura Ingalls Wilder locations there.  
  • I loved the biography section of my elementary school library.  Pretty much everything there was either from Revolutionary War times, or from Civil War times.  I remember my mom fighting with the school librarian to allow me to check the books out, and I'm so glad she did that.  I hated history in school, but I adored biographies.  I remember reading a book about Deborah Sampson and wondering why we couldn't learn stuff like this in history class.  Hmmm.  You think this impacted how I choose to homeschool my kids?  I never thought about that before.
  • Wrinkle in Time.  I remember being totally enamored with this book.  And I loved reading it with my kids just a year or so ago.  
Click the Great Books graphic to read other responses to this question.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

It was the Chronicles of Narnia and the Little House Books. I couldn't get enough of either of them!