Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas Cards. I always have good intentions.

But (I confess) I am nearly certain that we've never actually SENT cards out since we've had kids.

And when I see things like the Christmas Photo Cards from Shutterfly, I know I have no excuse.  Looking over their card selection, I am impressed by a couple of things:
  • They have designs that use anywhere from one to ten photos.  While most use one to four pictures, there certainly are options for bigger families.
  • It is super-easy to create your card.  Uploading photos from your computer is a snap, and then you can arrange and rearrange those pictures as well.
  • You can customize the text. 
  • You can at least sort of narrow things down, so you can search for only cards that allow 3+ photos.  I'd love it if that number was higher, like, say 5+.  But at least it eliminated having to look at cards that only allow one or two photos.
  • You can save your photos at Shutterfly, so you don't have to lose everything when you close it out and go get on your husband's computer to search for better photos (my computer tends to have photos of things like worm dissections.)
  • In addition to the Christmas greetings, they also have a selection of "holiday" greetings.  There is one in there I'm seriously considering.
  • And I'd love to get a couple of these desk calendars for Christmas gifts.  Dale would enjoy having one of these at work, and I'm guessing there are a couple of grandparents who would find a place to put these too.
The greatest part for me right now is that Shutterfly is doing a blogging promotion where you too can get 50 free holiday cards in exchange for blogging about some really cool products.

Disclaimer:  I was promised free cards in exchange for writing this post. No other compensation was received or is expected. I wouldn't do it if I didn't think this was a good product.


Ina's 5 and our Native Homeschool Blog said...

I also glad I am not alone. I am also glad I have the Internet. Last year I discovered Blue Mountain and their e-cards and sent one to everyone with a click of a button. I also had a Calandwr made up from some site for the grandparents and they were thrilled.

Jen said...

I can verify that you have not sent Christmas cards since the kids have been born :-)

I hope that we will receive one of those free cards...

Debra said...

Jen -- I wondered if you were going to comment!! And, um, yeah. You are at the VERY TOP of the Christmas card list. So if I send any out, you will get one. I'm not promising a letter though...

And Ina-- I'm glad I'm not alone :)